Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Both sessions - 30/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 30.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating.

- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.

- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I learned more about conducting a social media campaign, I did some good work on my A2T2 assignment, and I cannot identify any weaknesses. Today is the last official day of my course, and I will continue this good work wherever I go afterwards.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Both sessions - 25/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 25.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating.
- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.
- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.
- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.
- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.
- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.
- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I finished my social media campaign, and learned more about the business applications of social media. I think I did a pretty good job, and cannot identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work in my future studies, and I am coming to the end of my course. I finish my course on 30/06/2020.

Both sessions - 24/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 24.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Begin to analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating. - Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload. - Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment. - Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims. - Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan. - Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog

Today I learned more about running a campaign on social media. I did a good job with my campaign, and doing some analysis of it. I can't identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Both sessions - 18/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 18.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.

- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

Today I learned more about conducting a social media campaign for the imaginary game All Aboard. I did quite well, and can't really see any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Both sessions - 17/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 17.06.20

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment

- Create/find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I learned more about carrying out a campaign on social media. I did a good job in posting some content (mostly as scheduled posts), and cannot really see any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Both sessions - 16/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 16.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Create/find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.
My blog
Today I learned more about using social media for a business purpose i.e. promoting a made up game called "All Aboard". I did post some content on a social media page and cannot identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Both sessions - 11/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 11/06/20

Have 'client' campaign plan review
Respond to 'client' feedback and refine plans
Hand in A2T1 - Planning document
Develop and post content for data collection and analysis

Today I learned more about how to conduct a social media campaign. I did a good job promoting my epic new game for the second day of my campaign. I can't see any weaknesses in my epic campaign. I will keep up the good work.

Both sessions - 10/06/2020

Today I learned more about how to conduct a social media campaign. I did a good job promoting my epic new game, and can't really see any weaknesses in how I did it. I will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Both sessions - 09/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 09/06/20

Identify the importance of SEO to the Social Media campaign
Create a selection of varied posts for the Social Media campaign
Follow peers Social Media accounts, interact with the existing content
Write a unique, engaging blog post to add to your website
Develop and post content for data collection and analysis

Today I learned more about how to carry out a social media campaign, and I made an epic blog post on my separate Unit 08 Blog. I did a good job with this, and can't really see any areas for improvement. I will keep it up.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Both sessions - 04/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 04/06/20

Make a blog/website for your game/games company
Create a Blogpost to add to your website
Find/create an infographic to use as content in your campaign
Create a selection of varied posts for your social media campaign
Create content that is tailored to your target audience
Finalise the social media plan ready for review prior to the campaign beginning

My Blog
Today I learned more about using social media for business. I did a good job creating an infographic for my campaign, and couldn't see any weaknesses that I encountered. I will keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Afternoon session - 03/06/2020

Today I learned more about using social media for business, and created a Facebook account and page for a simulated "business" application. I did a good job, but I did find myself encountering a bit of ambiguity when it came to deciding the privacy settings. Nevertheless I was able to ask my tutor and do a good job of things. My A2T1 assignment is 11/06/2020.

Morning session - 03/02/2020

Aims and Objectives
Revision Assessments

Lesson Aim:
Practice Assessment
Peer Review of assessments
IP Addressing starter exercise
Student created end of unit Quiz

Today I learned more about the Principles of Computer Systems, which included a mock exam in spite of the fact that all exams for this course will be cancelled. I did quite well, but I didn't go into enough detail at times, and where I did I did at times mention a few irrelevant things. Nevertheless I felt I did well on the mock exam overall.

Both sessions - 21/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 21/05/20

Work on A2T1 document
Write the business and campaign aims of your social media strategy
Identify suitable content types for specific target audiences
Begin work on you posting schedule
Create a complete posting schedule for the two week campaign
Identify suitable content types for specific target audiences
Justify the choices of content type for specific target audiences.

Today I learned more about the business applications of social media, and worked on my A2T2 assignment.