Thursday, 26 September 2019

Both sessions - 26/09/2019

Session 06 - Aims & Objectives - 26/09/19

Lesson Aims:
Investigate and write about Human Rights
Identify and research Naming Conventions
Examine Arithmetic Operations
Practice programming in Python

Learning Objectives:
Write A creative piece on Human Rights
Check old, and make new SMART targets
Explain the definition of a Naming Convention
Explain the differences between Naming Conventions
Identify the advantages and reasons for using a Naming Convention
Investigate the use of Arithmetic Operations in the context of Computer Science
Develop coding skills

My blog

Today I learned about human rights, naming conventions, arithmetic operations and my current progress on this course. I am going to focus on my current progress on this course.

I have seen that I did manage to partially achieve all of my SMART targets. This is good as I have definitely made some progress on this course and have put some effort into it.

However I accept that I did not put 100% effort in so did not fully achieve them. This was not good as this means that I run the risk of falling behind.

I cannot afford to get complacent about my current progress and will strive to continue to keep up the good work and put 100% effort in at all times.

I have set most of my SMART targets to be done in one weeks time, specifically for 03/10/2019. There is also one which is long term and is due for 01/11/2019. I also need to complete my assignments which I have already mentioned.

My SMART targets are: To improve my understanding of existing topics on Know It All Ninja. I will try my best to avoid coasting and will keep going over the content on that site as and when required.
To follow Zoe's advice when carrying out assignments and ensure that her feedback is thoroughly incorporated into my work. I will make sure to use my time wisely and try the best I can when doing her assignments. To ensure that I continue to follow the above advice when it comes to my second assignment. I will also ensure that I continue to improve my web design skills. I will also continue to identify strengths and weaknesses in that area as my progress on the course continues. I will continue to follow the advice set in my previous targets. To ensure that my behaviour and demeanour in class is appropriate and professional. I will ensure that I don't interrupt the teacher and will ask him or an LSA (in the correct manner) if I am in any doubt as to whether a specific action is prohibited or not. However I also need to ensure that I do not go to the other extreme and avoid engaging with anyone in class whatsoever. This could also hamper my classwork and is not something I want. I need to ensure that I find a balance and in doing so that this balance is as good as possible. To try and do as much coursework as is possible outside class hours. I need to ensure that I don't only do the right thing when someone is looking but that I will do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Afternoon session - 25/09/2019

This afternoon I learned in some detail about social engineering, amongst other threats to IT infrastructure and networking at the organisational level.

A strength which I demonstrated was my ability to recall prior knowledge and recall it within the context of a group discussion.

A weakness which I demonstrated was my occasional difficulties in understanding the task. I also encountered an occasional inability to recognise when I require assistance and request it when required.

I will make sure to keep up the good work when it comes to researching things and contributing relevant information to group discussions. This is definitely a good thing. However I will make sure to continue to address my difficulties in understanding the task and in recognising when I require assistance. I will also make sure to request it when required.

No assignment was set by my tutor so I have no deadlines to meet in relation to this session.

Morning session - 25/09/2019

Aims and Outcomes 25/09/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

State the importance of designing a website
Explain the purpose of the website
Explain the client requirements and intended audience
Develop alternative ideas for your website
Create a site map to show how your web pages are related
List the house style for your website
Include design principles in your ideas and house style
Learn to use Axure RP

My blog:

Today I learned how to plan and design a website, this was done through both extensive drafting and mindmapping.

My strengths which I demonstrated today were that I demonstrated a good technical competence and understanding of the key areas involved in the topic and task.

My weaknesses which I encountered today were that I have been a bit over enthusiastic when drawing mind maps and would often do them in a manner which was scruffy and disorganised. This meant that whilst I could read and understand them, someone else might have difficulties doing so. I need to further improve my skills, ability and compentence in that area. I will do so by requesting assistance and if I have time I will consider doing a "rough draft" of a mindmap before creating it. I will also consider the implentation of IT in the future, with the intention of eliminating or reducing the impact of this issue.

On reflection, I feel that I tried very hard today and have done a good job both demonstrating my competence and in identifying my weaknesses. I will make sure to address them in the way I have planned with the view to eliminating them in the future. I will also make sure to keep up the good work and avoid any coasting which may cause a decrease in standards.

I have been assigned another task to do by my tutor, this is due in on the 1st November 2019. I will make sure to try my hardest to get it done and submitted to my tutor in the correct fashion on or before that date.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Both of my sessions - 19/09/2019

Aims and Objectives

Session 04 - Aims & Objectives - 19/09/19

Lesson Aim:
Check knowledge of Learning aim A
Investigate various aspects of the Python programming language

Learning Objectives:
Complete the practice test
Complete the practice test scoring at least 50%
Complete the practice test scoring at least 65%
Identify how variables are used in Python
Examine how Loops are used in Python
Identify how Inputs and outputs are used in Python
Investigate the use of conditional statements in Python

My blog

Today I learned more about how to write Pseudocode, in addition to learning about how to program in Python. I also learned about the Taliban and Al Qaeda within the context of global terrorism.

I did some very good work on a presentation about the Taliban and also tried my best to try and figure out how to write programs in Python. I also tried my best when it went to writing in Pseudocode.

However I was not that proficient when writing Python and Pseudocode. This is something which I feel I can improve on.

I set myself targets which are due before next Thursday. Additionally I was asked to study a module on a website called "Know It All Ninja" by next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Second session - 18/09/2019

"Aims & Objectives

A1 Threat types*
• Internal threats
The three greatest insider threats to your organisation, and how to beat them in the resources column.
• External threats.
research recent examples of cyber-attacks from a variety of external resources and present findings
• Physical threats.
What physical threats apply to learners’ own personal uses of IT?
• Social engineering and software-driven threats
Learners research recent examples of malware including virus attacks, ransomware etc

Identify threats from Social Engineering
Describe threats from software
Identify the difference between Virus, worms, trojans et al etc.
Explain what processes might be in place to minimise the risk to a business from this type of attack.
Explain the difference between active and passive threats
Identify who owns their data
Identify how their online behaviour may be risky
Describe the various legal requirements for data security
Capture and identify packets"

I have learned about various types of virus, their vectors and when they spread amongst other things about them. 

My strength was the quantity and quality of information which I discovered during my research online as well as my ability to word, quote and source it into a presentation. 

My weakness was my hesitation and reliance on my teammate when creating and delivering the presentation. I feel that my self-confidence and assertiveness could use some improvement. This is an area for improvement which I will try and work on in the future.

I have done a good job today and will hopefully do even better next time I find myself in a similar situation. 

I have not been assigned any tasks which will need to be done in the future. This is good as it reflects on my ability to get what I need to get done done on time and in my lesson time. I also have to complete and hand in an assignment to my tutor, Zoe by Tuesday next week.

First session - 18/09/2019

"Aims and Outcomes 18/09/19
Aims: To explain the factors affecting website performance
To understand the purpose and principles of websites

Explain client-side and server-side factors affecting website performance
Compare the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Explain/analyse/evaluate the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose"

I have managed to get through adding some good quality writing to my existing essay. I showed an understanding of the key concepts required which was good. However I did sometimes get stuck and get distracted from the task due to feeling rather anxious which is an area for improvement.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

My first day (Afternoon session) - 17/09/2019

Aims and Outcomes 17/09/19
Aims: To understand the principles of website design

Explain some of the principles of website design
Compare the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Analyse/Evaluate the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Discuss the overall impact of the site on the organisati (sic)

My blog

Today I learned about the principles of website design by comparing two websites, specifically the Morrisons and Waitrose websites.

One of my strengths during this lesson was my ability to memorise and explain technical terms, whilst researching terms that I did not already know and incorporating them into my work in my own words, whilst providing source URLs for this information.

One of my weaknesses was that I had some issues understanding the task set, so had to request assistance from staff members on a few occasions. They were helpful and I was able to understand their instructions and get on with the task.

On reflection I believe that I tried the best I could during the lesson and performed well on the task. However I will need to develop my ability to understand the task set with the aim of eventually being able to get on with it independently and without the assistance of a member of staff.

I have to complete and hand in an assignment to my tutor, Zoe by Tuesday next week. Hopefully I will be able to do that, this is important as my grades will depend on the result of this assignment and all other assignments throughout the course.

My first day (Morning session) - 17/09/2019

Today I attended Develop EBP for my first day on the course, I first met Andy Smith who is the centre manager for the centre. I am currently attending a Level 3 Computing course at the Develop EBP Norwich Centre.

I completed an intro survey. This survey covered numerous topical areas and I was asked to complete it for the purpose of ascertaining my strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately I had a very limited knowledge of the answers to the survey so for a lot of the time I actually had to randomly guess at the correct answers. I'm unsure of my results but I do hope they are good.