Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Both sessions - 18/12/2019

Aims & Objectives
Create a network of 3 computers including 1 laptop
Use Wireshark to capture traffic on their network
Identify the data captured in the packets and state why that is dangerous
Work within health and safety guidelines
Use MS Azure

My Blog

Today I learned more about networking when I connected 2 computers together as part of my lesson today. I noticed that both of the computers were difficult to work with, and I was presented with a challenge by my classmates, which I made my very best attempts to solve. I would say that my good attempts were definitely a strength of mine today. I cannot see any weaknesses that I encountered today, and I will keep up the good work. I have no new deadlines but must revise for my Unit 1 exam.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Afternoon session 17/12/2019

Aims & Objectives
Create a network of 3 computers including 1 laptop
Use Wireshark to capture traffic on their network
Identify the data captured in the packets and state why that is dangerous
Work within health and safety guidelines
Use MS Azure

Today I learned how to use Wireshark, and use computers out of the cupboard whilst working within the health and safety guidelines. I didn't really do much during that exercise, which I see as a weakness as I should have asked the teacher to intervene. However I did (earlier today) ask another one of my tutors if I could work with another student during any team exercises today, he incorrectly told me that there would be none which I feel contributed to my epic fail today. I have no new deadlines, but must hand in the Unit 15 Assignment that I have outstanding by the end of the day as previously mentioned.

Morning session 17/12/2019

Lesson Aims:
To identify areas requiring rethought
To create a revision timetable to lead up to the exam
To create revision kahoots to play as a class
To practice knowledge learned over the course of this unit
Answer two exam questions
Identify errors in Python code

Learning Objectives:
Identify a revision schedule
Create a revision timetable for over Xmas and until the exam
Create revision materials
Help peers by disseminating your knowledge.
Complete two exam questions
Complete two exam questions; scoring at least 40%
Complete two exam questions; scoring > 50%

Today I learned about the principles of computer science and did some practice exam questions. However in spite of my best efforts I feel that I failed epically at both of them, having scored only 7 marks. Therefore I cannot see any strengths of my work so far today. I will revise more in the future, and have to hand in my Unit 15 A3 assignment by the end of today.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Both sessions - 12/12/2019

Session 25 - Aims & Objectives - 12/12/19

Lesson Aims:
Identify areas that require going over again
Work on completion of website wiki exercise
Complete a proper mock exam under full exam conditions

Learning Objectives:
Investigate the concept of code translation
Explain the basic premise behind code translation
Identify the advantages / disadvantages to code translation
Work on completion of wiki exercise
Discuss areas requiring further teaching / elaboration
Complete a practice exam
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 50%
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 65%

Today I learned about my strengths and weaknesses in this unit, and I also learned about code translation. I managed to do a good job investigating the concept of code translation, however I do not feel that I did a good job in my exam. I will make sure to do more revision on my weak areas in the future.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Both sessions 05/12/2019

Session 23 - Aims & Objectives - 05/12/19

Lesson Aims:
Finalise an OOP exercise in Python
Put EDP knowledge into practice
Practice knowledge learned over learning aims C and D
Understand the concept of growth mindset
Create new SMART targets

Learning Objectives:
Finish the OOP bank account example
Identify EDP examples in real life / computing
Analyse and explain EDP examples in real life / computing
Identify EDP elements of a GUI
Analyse and explain EDP elements of a GUI
Complete a practice exam
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 50%
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 65%

Today I learned about fixed vs flexible mindsets, as well as completing an exam on the Principles of Computer Science. I believe that I did a good job in writing a about real life examples of event driven programming, those being level crossings and CD / RA indicators. CD stands for "Close Doors" and RA stands for "Right Away". However I feel that my performance in my exam was poor as I only achieved about a quarter of the available marks, on reflection I should have revised more. I have no new deadlines but must get my Unit 15 assignment handed in on or before 12/12/2019.

My SMART targets are the following: to avoid making certain comments e.g. "Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Three Bags Full"  during lessons, in front of staff or other students who might find it inappropriate, and to ensure that my general behaviour remains appropriate and acceptable, whether in or out of lesson times. I will continue to ensure that my behaviour does not disrupt other pupils from learning or staff from teaching, to finish off and submit A3, to continue to achieve all objectives regarding my VMs on the Azure platform, and to continue to refresh and retain my understanding of the topic.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Afternoon session 04/12/2019

Lesson Aims - Understand what a Domain is and Promote your virtual server to a Domain controller

AO1 - Promote to a DC using a new forest
AO2 - Create Groups and users
AO3 - Begin to give users access to resources via group allocation

Today I learned how to administrate a Domain Controller, and learned how to set up a VM server using Microsoft Azure again due to my course tutor deleting my old one because I couldn't login, and he thought that I had forgotten my password (LOL), whereas I had in fact made a mistake in logging in after promoting it to a Domain Controller. I did a very good job overall and cannot see any weaknesses. I will make sure to keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Afternoon session - 03/12/2019

Aims: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Complete website creation, using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Optimise you web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Test your web pages for functionality, usability and compatibility
Create and send out a survey for feedback on your website
Make at least one change on your website based on testing and feed back
Review your website
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

Today I learned more about producing my website for an intended audience and purpose. I did a good job at continuing to produce and test the website, in fact I feel that I did not have any issues doing this, and therefore no weaknesses. I will keep up the good work and try my best to ensure that it is ready for the deadline which is 12/12/2019.

Morning session - 03/12/2019

Lesson Aims:
Introduce and explore the concept of Polymorphism
Finish off implementing Inheritance and Encapsulation in Python
Introduce and explore the EDP paradigm

Learning Objectives:
Research and make notes on Polymorphism
Explain the basic concept of Polymorphism
Implement a basic Inheritance structure in Python
Implement the stretch tasks for the inheritance Python exercise
Research and make notes on EDP
Explain the basic concept of EDP

Today I learned about the concepts of Polymorphism, and event-driven programming. I did a good job on the group task which was on an inheritance structure in Python with one of my classmates, however I feel that we did get stuck a few times and should have asked for help rather than trying to sort out the problems we encountered ourselves. On reflection I will do that in the future, I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 15 A3 assignment on time.