Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Both sessions 29/01/2020

Aims & Objectives
B1 Cryptographic principles
B2 Cryptographic methods
Key cryptography methods
B3 Applications of cryptography
The types and applications of cryptography.*

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
Investigate Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography used to encrypt mobile phone data.
Identify threats and security flaws in encryption methods
GCD & how to work them out
Euclids Algorithm method

My blog
Today I learned about cryptographic principles and methods, as well as continuing to work on the Unit 7 Assignment 2 assignment which is due in for the 5th Feb 2020. I did quite well in dealing with this assignment, and also I did do quite well at encoding and decoding messages. However I accept that I did not get things at times, and I did try to ask for assistance, but getting someone to assist was difficult and took time, as the staff were occupied with other duties. Overall I tried my best, and as the centre manager said no one can ask me to do better than that. I will keep up the good work, and continue to ask for assistance where needed. I will ensure that I hand in my U7A2 assignment in for 05/02/2020, and also my Unit 14 A1 assignment for 14/02/2020, which is St Valentine's Day.

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