Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Morning session 12/11/2019

Session 17 - Aims & Objectives - 12/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Practice literacy and numeracy
Complete searching and sorting exercise
Test retained knowledge on learning aim C
Create an information resource for a topic in learning aim C

Learning Objectives
Complete an exercise practicing knowledge on sorting and searching
Complete a mock test
Complete a mock test scoring at least 50%
Complete a mock test scoring at least 65%
Create a learning resource for a learning aim C topic

My blog
Today I learned about searching and sorting, I tried my best but unfortunately did encounter some obstacles in my knowledge which lead to an overall epic fail in spite of my good efforts. In the future I will try and spend more time familiarising myself with essential concepts so that I can get ready for situations in which my knowledge of them will be required.

I have no new deadlines but do have to do some extra work on my Unit 15 assignment which I have already handed in. I will have a session with the course tutor for that unit this afternoon and will try to get it done then.

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