Thursday, 10 October 2019

Both sessions 10/10/2019

Session 10 - Aims & Objectives - 10/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Test knowledge learned thus far in learning aims A/B/C
Introduce the concept of Data Structures
Identify the differences / similarities between Arrays and Lists
Practice programming

Learning Objectives
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C, scoring > 50%
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C, scoring > 75%
Investigate Arrays and Linked Lists
Explain the advantages / disadvantages of arrays and linked lists
Practice programming skills
Work on revision material for U1

My blog
Today I have learned about dyslexia and I have also done some programming in python. I have also caught up on some programming topics on Know It All Ninja.

I did a good job on enthusiastically catching up on programming topics on Know It All Ninja whilst making an effort to achieve a high score and also in writing and debugging Python code.

However I did discover some gaps in my knowledge during an unannounced quiz which was carried out using a platform called Quizziz which did make me look a bit lacking in knowledge!

On reflection I will make sure to spend more time refreshing my knowledge of the unit I am studying.

I have no new deadlines but I do need to do the Unit 15 assignment by 01/11/2019 and the Unit 7 assignment by 06/11/2019.

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