Thursday, 3 October 2019

My full day - 03/10/2019

Session 08 - Aims & Objectives - 03/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Identify faults in Pseudocode and justify fixes.
Explore the area of Validation.
Check knowledge on programming variables
Complete a Mock exam, peer mark afterwards
Learn about the importance of personal hygiene

Learning Objectives
Identify faults in pseudocode
Propose fixes to faults, justifying reasoning.
Identify how and why to use validation
Investigate how to use validation in Python
Score at least 50% in a mock exam
Score at least 65% in a mock exam
Score over 75% in a mock exam

My blog

Today I learned about Pseudocode and also personal hygiene during my tutorial hour in the afternoon.

I did a good job figuring out Pseudocode and asking for help as and when required i.e. when I got stuck on the odd occasion and had no other way of figuring out the solution to the problem.

However I did encountering the odd bit of difficulty during my mock exam which appears to be as a result of me lacking sufficient knowledge in the area of writing and understanding Pseudocode.

I feel that I could have done a better job revising this in advance of the mock exam, even though I did not know about it in advance. I will make sure to do that in the future in the hope of avoiding a similar situation.

I have set myself a number of SMART targets to be completed by 10/10/2019 but have not been set any further assignments today.

My SMART targets are the following:

I need to avoid allowing other students pressure me into behaving in an inappropriate manner e.g. mentioning inappropriate things or swearing. I also need to avoid letting them distract me from the task in hand and ensure that I am concentrating on my work 100% of the time during lessons. I will also ensure that I follow the advice previously given to me by Andy Smith.

To try and do as much coursework as is possible outside class hours. I need to ensure that I will do the right thing even when no one is looking.

To try and improve my teamworking technique when working with other classmates. This applies to Nathan in particular as he is the person I usually work with.

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