Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Morning session - 16/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 16/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Create an asset table for your website
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required
Collect feedback for your design
Make changes to your design based on feedback
Justify your design decisions

My blog
Today I did some work with developing the prototype my website and completing the associated Unit 15 assignment sheet. 

I did a good job designing my website and did get some positive feedback about it both from other pupils and my tutor.

However I did make a mistake when designing it which I soon rectified.

On reflection I did a pretty good job with the prototype of my website today.

I have no new deadlines but must submit my Unit 15 assignment by 01/11/2019 and my Unit 7 assignment by 06/11/2019.

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