Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Both sessions - 30/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 30.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating.

- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.

- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I learned more about conducting a social media campaign, I did some good work on my A2T2 assignment, and I cannot identify any weaknesses. Today is the last official day of my course, and I will continue this good work wherever I go afterwards.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Both sessions - 25/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 25.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating.
- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.
- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.
- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.
- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.
- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.
- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I finished my social media campaign, and learned more about the business applications of social media. I think I did a pretty good job, and cannot identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work in my future studies, and I am coming to the end of my course. I finish my course on 30/06/2020.

Both sessions - 24/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 24.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Begin to analyse the data your social media campaign has been generating. - Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload. - Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment. - Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims. - Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan. - Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog

Today I learned more about running a campaign on social media. I did a good job with my campaign, and doing some analysis of it. I can't identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Both sessions - 18/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 18.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Make at least 2 pieces of unique content (blog post/infographic/quiz) and upload.

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment.

- Find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

Today I learned more about conducting a social media campaign for the imaginary game All Aboard. I did quite well, and can't really see any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Both sessions - 17/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 17.06.20

- Share links to your social media/blog/websites so that we can follow and comment

- Create/find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.

My Blog
Today I learned more about carrying out a campaign on social media. I did a good job in posting some content (mostly as scheduled posts), and cannot really see any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Both sessions - 16/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 16.06.20

The tasks for today;

- Create/find content with relates to your business and campaign aims.

- Upload and schedule the content in line with your posting plan.

- Take screen shots of your working process to use as evidence in A2T2.

- Please follow each other and engage with the content they are publishing.
My blog
Today I learned more about using social media for a business purpose i.e. promoting a made up game called "All Aboard". I did post some content on a social media page and cannot identify any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Both sessions - 11/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 11/06/20

Have 'client' campaign plan review
Respond to 'client' feedback and refine plans
Hand in A2T1 - Planning document
Develop and post content for data collection and analysis

Today I learned more about how to conduct a social media campaign. I did a good job promoting my epic new game for the second day of my campaign. I can't see any weaknesses in my epic campaign. I will keep up the good work.

Both sessions - 10/06/2020

Today I learned more about how to conduct a social media campaign. I did a good job promoting my epic new game, and can't really see any weaknesses in how I did it. I will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Both sessions - 09/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 09/06/20

Identify the importance of SEO to the Social Media campaign
Create a selection of varied posts for the Social Media campaign
Follow peers Social Media accounts, interact with the existing content
Write a unique, engaging blog post to add to your website
Develop and post content for data collection and analysis

Today I learned more about how to carry out a social media campaign, and I made an epic blog post on my separate Unit 08 Blog. I did a good job with this, and can't really see any areas for improvement. I will keep it up.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Both sessions - 04/06/2020

Aims and Objectives - 04/06/20

Make a blog/website for your game/games company
Create a Blogpost to add to your website
Find/create an infographic to use as content in your campaign
Create a selection of varied posts for your social media campaign
Create content that is tailored to your target audience
Finalise the social media plan ready for review prior to the campaign beginning

My Blog
Today I learned more about using social media for business. I did a good job creating an infographic for my campaign, and couldn't see any weaknesses that I encountered. I will keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Afternoon session - 03/06/2020

Today I learned more about using social media for business, and created a Facebook account and page for a simulated "business" application. I did a good job, but I did find myself encountering a bit of ambiguity when it came to deciding the privacy settings. Nevertheless I was able to ask my tutor and do a good job of things. My A2T1 assignment is 11/06/2020.

Morning session - 03/02/2020

Aims and Objectives
Revision Assessments

Lesson Aim:
Practice Assessment
Peer Review of assessments
IP Addressing starter exercise
Student created end of unit Quiz

Today I learned more about the Principles of Computer Systems, which included a mock exam in spite of the fact that all exams for this course will be cancelled. I did quite well, but I didn't go into enough detail at times, and where I did I did at times mention a few irrelevant things. Nevertheless I felt I did well on the mock exam overall.

Both sessions - 21/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 21/05/20

Work on A2T1 document
Write the business and campaign aims of your social media strategy
Identify suitable content types for specific target audiences
Begin work on you posting schedule
Create a complete posting schedule for the two week campaign
Identify suitable content types for specific target audiences
Justify the choices of content type for specific target audiences.

Today I learned more about the business applications of social media, and worked on my A2T2 assignment.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Morning session - 20/05/2020

Aims and Objectives
Identify key features of networks on a small scale using a variety of packet Tracer activities
Understand key networking components, routers, switches, hubs, bridges

Types of communication channel
Methods of connecting devices and transmitting data across and between computer systems
The selection of connection methods to fulfil specific tasks and functions
Introduction to switches, routers, hubs, detailed cabling types
Subnet calculations and binary needed
Use packet tracer to build various network projects

Research effectively
Approach a problem logically
Apply learning to solve a problem

My Blog
Today I learned about computer networking, I did pretty well in doing some exercises on Packet Tracer. I will keep up the good work.

Afternoon session - 20/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 20/05/20

Look for current stories and/or content to link to your social media campaign
Identify suitable content types for specific target audiences
Justify the choices of content type for specific target audiences.

My Blog
Today I learned about doing a social media campaign. I found some current stories which were relevant and helped to link to my social media campaign. I will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Both sessions - 19/05/2020

Aims and Objectives
Identify key features of networks on a small scale using a variety of packet Tracer activities
Understand key networking components, routers, switches, hubs, bridges

Types of communication channel
Methods of connecting devices and transmitting data across and between computer systems
The selection of connection methods to fulfil specific tasks and functions
Introduction to switches, routers, hubs, detailed cabling types
Subnet calculations and binary needed
Use packet tracer to build various network projects

Research effectively
Approach a problem logically
Apply learning to solve a problem

My Blog
Today I learned about computer networking, I tried my best, but did encounter some difficulties. One of those was forgetting to save my work, on the future I will always save my work before quitting the application in the future.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Both sessions - 14/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 14/05/20

Identify competitor social media strategy
Research what should be included on a social media policy
Begin drafting a SM policy for your organisation
Identify the necessity of a social media policy
Research and select appropriate keywords
Evaluate the use of keywords

My Blog
Today I learned more about business applications of social media. I did a good job on my U08 A2T1 assignment, and cannot see any weaknesses that I encountered. I will keep up the good work. My deadline for my A2T1 assignment is 11/06/2020.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Afternoon session - 13/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 13/05/20

Work assignment 2
Conduct competitor research
Complete competitor research task

My Blog
Today I learned about doing competitor research, and I did a good job at that task. I made sure to try my best, and don't feel that I encountered any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work.

Morning - 13/05/2020

Aims & Objectives

Binary update
Logical diagrams and flow charts
Identify key features (methods, mediums, terms) around data transmission
Understand key networking components, routers, switches, hubs, bridges

Types of communication channel
Methods of connecting devices and transmitting data across and between computer systems
The selection of connection methods to fulfil specific tasks and functions
Introduction to switches, routers, hubs
detailed cabling types
Subnet calculations and binary needed in networking
uses packet tracer

My Blog
Today I learned about computer networking, and practicing it using a program called "Packet Tracer" by Cisco. I tried my best but encountered technical difficulties. I spoke to Terry but was still unable to complete a task. On reflection I will continue to try my best and consult the tutor where required, even though I was still unable to complete the task on this occasion.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Both sessions - 12/05/2020

Aims & Objectives

Binary update
Logical diagrams and flow charts
Identify key features (methods, mediums, terms) around data transmission
Understand key networking components, routers, switches, hubs, bridges

Types of communication channel
Methods of connecting devices and transmitting data across and between computer systems
The selection of connection methods to fulfil specific tasks and functions
Introduction to switches, routers, hubs
Detailed cabling types
Subnet calculations and binary needed in networking
Using packet tracer

My Blog
Today I learned about computer networking, which included a look at different types of networking. I did a good job at learning what I needed to learn, and cannot see any weaknesses that I encountered. I will keep up the good work.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Both sessions - 07/05/2020

Aims and Objectives - 07/05/20

Work on presentation for assignment 1
Deliver Presentation to online group of peers
Mark peers presentations using given Rubric

My Blog
Today I learned more about the business applications of social media, and also delivered an epic presentation to two other pupils. I did a good job delivering it, and I tried my best. I will carry on with the good work.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Afternoon session - 06/05/2020

My Blog
Today I learned more about the business applications of social media, as part of Unit 08. I did some work on my presentation, which is what I need to do as part of my Unit 08 assignment. I tried my hardest, and will keep up the good work. My assignment for Unit 08 is due in tomorrow.

Morning session - 06/05/2020

Aims and Objectives
Explain the features, applications and implications of data used within computer systems
Creates a database from given tables
Describes primary keys
Demonstrates a database construction
Set up tables and data types
Identify key features (methods, mediums, terms) around data transmission
Able to create boolean logic truth tables and diagrams

Identify the purpose of truth tables
Identify the diagram and truth table for logic gates
Create truth table for systems
Create logic diagrams for systems

My Blog
Today I learned about logic and binary in the context of Unit 02 (Principles of Computer Systems). It was an interesting and epic session that I enjoyed and did well at, I tried 100% but did occasionally make mistakes. I did eventually find the correct answers on the internet but it did take me some time to get round to that. On reflection I should have checked the answers earlier, which would have given me more time to take remedial action. Overall I did pretty well and will keep up the good work though. My Unit 08 deadline is Thursday.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Both sessions - 05/05/2020

Aims and Objectives
C1 Number systems
The use and interpretation of number systems used within computer systems
The use of binary arithmetic to perform calculations
The use of binary to represent negative and floating point numbers
C2 Text representation
The purpose and implications of using codes to represent character sets
The features and uses of common character sets

Explain the features, applications and implications of data used within computer systems
Creates a database from given tables
Describes primary keys
Demonstrates a database construction
Set up tables and data types

My Blog
Today I learned about binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbering systems, and also about databases, and spreadsheets as part of Unit 02 (Fundamentals of Computer Systems). I did a good job on working in these two sessions, and tried my best. I did discover that I did lack some understanding of numbering systems, but I was able to improve my understanding which is good. Overall I had a good day today, and will keep up the good work in the future. My Unit 08 deadline is Thursday.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Both sessions - 30/04/2020

Aims and Objectives - 30/04/20

Define social media platforms by their features and target audience
Identify the differences between 3 different social media platforms
Work on presentation for assignment 1

Today I learned more about business applications of social media. I did pretty well at identifying relevant and salient facts, but I feel that I could have done better. I think that I will do better in the future. My deadline for my U08 assignment is next Thursday.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Morning session - 29/04/2020

Aims & Objectives
Work on the assignment for Unit 02 A1T1.
Deadline for this work is midnight.
Number systems Binary, Denary, Hexadecimal.

My blog
Today I learned about the principles of some Maths which is relevant to computer science, and I tried my best at this. Whilst it did take me some time to figure it out, I eventually did manage to suss it out which was good. However I did get a bit carried away with my personal opinion of Microsoft (which isn't positive!) when writing part of my Unit 02 assignment. I will try and avoid making that mistake, and try and tone it down a bit in the future. Overall I did pretty well, and discovered how epic, and cool Maths can be.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Afternoon session - 28/04/2020

Aims & Objectives
Work on the assignment for Unit 02 A1T1.
Deadline for this work is midnight.
Number systems Binary, Denary, Hexadecimal.

My blog
Today I learned about different types of computer system, and did some work on my assignment. I feel that I did good today, but I completely forgot about it until the last minute, on reflection I should have better organised myself. My assignment is now due tomorrow.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Both sessions - 23/04/2020

Aims and Objectives - 23/04/20

Research and explain what a social media campaign is
Discuss the negative ramifications of social media use
Outline what is required to complete Assignment One
Identify how organisations use social media
Identify specific organisation requirements
Explore success criteria and project timescales

My Blog
Today I learned about social media campaigns gone wrong. I did a good job researching a few of them, and writing about them in my own words, and I can't really see any weaknesses. I will keep up the good work, and do my presentation for 07/05/2020.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Afternoon session - 22/04/2020

Explain how and why organisations use social media
Identify what is required to complete Assignment One
Identify social media platforms
Differentiate between various social media websites
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of social media websites

Today I learned about the business applications of social media. I learned about different social networks, and when they might be useful, and I feel that I did quite well at it. There were no real weaknesses, and I will make sure to keep up the good work.

Morning session - 22/04/2020

Lesson Aim:
Flow charts and system diagrams used for fault fining in hardware.
Data Processing types and uses
The features and characteristics of different data handling. Real time / Transaction / Batch processing
Data Flows and Transmission
Number systems used in computing

My blog
Today I learned more about computer hardware and the fundamentals of computer systems. I tried my best, and did quite well. However I did make some inappropriate comments, which I will not be repeating here in the chat box. I will try and avoid doing that in the future, and I accept that I have no excuse. Nevertheless I will keep up the good work. I am doing Unit 08 this afternoon, and will get my deadline for my Unit 08 assignment then.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Both sessions - 21/04/2020

Lesson Aim:
Flow charts and system diagrams used for fault fining in hardware.
Data Processing types and uses
The features and characteristics of different data handling. Real time / Transaction / Batch processing
Data Flows and Transmission
Number systems used in computing

Today I learned about how data is transmitted by a computer system. I did a good job on what I was assigned to do, and researching the topic. I don't see any weaknesses that I encountered today, and will make sure to keep up the good work. I have no deadlines so far, but am soon going to be set my Unit 08 deadline.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Both sessions - 01/04/2020

Aims & Objectives
Explain the difference between Multi-processing and Multi-threading
Advantages and disadvantages of Local versus Cloud Storage - Students have presented their work using online presentation skills.
Cluster Computing
A Guide to the Fetch-Execute Cycle
Assignment issued to all - progress will be checked tomorrow
Students will write their blogs before the end of the day.

Today I learned about the differences between bitmap and vector images. I did a pretty good job in researching these things, but I did get a bit lazy and sloppy when it came to designing a logo which was another exercise that I was set. Overall I did pretty well and will keep up the good work as ordered. My Unit 14 deadline is 05/04/2020 and my Unit 02 deadline is 28/04/2020.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Both sessions - 31/03/2020

Aims & Objectives
Explain the difference between Multi-processing and Multi-threading
Advantages and disadvantages of Local versus Cloud Storage - Students have presented their work using online presentation skills.
Cluster Computing
A Guide to the Fetch-Execute Cycle
Assignment issued to all - progress will be checked tomorrow
Students will write their blogs before the end of the day.

Today I learned about the differences between multi-processing, and multi-threading, and local versus cloud storage; and also about cluster computing. I think I did quite good at what I could and I asked for help from my course tutor when I got stuck. I could have behaved more professionally during the lesson, but overall I don't think there are any real areas for improvement apart from that. I will keep up the good work. My Unit 14 deadline is 04/05/2020.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Morning session - 25/03/2020

Today I learned more about computer systems, to be specific about emulation and also different types of processor. I did a good job on it, and cannot see any areas for improvement. All in all, I will make sure to keep up the good work. My Unit 14 assignment is due on 05/04/2020.

I worked from home using Cisco Webex meetings, along with the rest of the class. I did have some funny moments when using Webex.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Both sessions - 24/03/2020

Lesson Aim:
Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
The hardware used in computer systems
The purpose, features and uses of internal components
How the features of hardware and software affects Data processing

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
The role of the kernel in controlling and managing system components and tasks
The role of the operating system in managing networking and security
Identify and describe Utility software
Identify and describe Application software

Today I learned about computer systems, and computer monitors. I did the best I could, although at times I did find myself stalling due to having selected the wrong thing to include, I feel that I should have moved on sooner in these scenarios. On reflection, I did some good work, and I will make sure to keep it up, whilst also trying to improve the efficiency of my work and decision making. My Unit 14 assignment is due for 05/04/2020.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Morning session - 18/03/2020

Today I learned more about computer systems. I did a good job with a few assignments set by my course tutor, however I feel that I did slack off at times and I also handed in an assignment prematurely. In the future I will try and avoid slacking off. My Unit 14 assignment is due on 05/04/2020.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Both sessions - 17/03/2020

Lesson Aim:
Many students on a WEX week.
Workshop group working on testing and repairing logging all workshop computers.
Recording of working v non-working computers.
Workshop manager controlling the activity.
Checks for:
The hardware used in computer systems.
Identify most hardware components.

Today I learned more about computer systems, and I got to check whether or not various computers were working or not, as well as attempt some basic repairs. I tried my best and did the best I could, however I do feel that I did get a tad too assertive at times when I wanted to try repairing a computer. In the future I'll try and improve my team working skills, but overall I did a pretty good job. I will also keep up the good work. My Unit 14 A3T1 assignment is due on 05/04/2020.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Both sessions - 12/03/2020

Lesson Aims:
Work on development of a game for A3
Develop coding and problem solving abilities
Investigate methods of solving problems in your game
Utilise presentations in classroom to assist in making your game.

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to problem solving
Create a game from designs made for A2

My Blog
Today I learned about the basics of using Unity, and creating my game. I did a pretty good job with doing as much game development as I could, and I cannot identify any weaknesses that I encountered today. Overall I just need to keep up the good work, which I will do as Tom, who is one of my course tutors, has asked. Today was my last lesson with him and he will be sorely missed. :(

My Unit 14 deadline is 02/04/2020.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Both sessions - 11/03/2020

Lesson Aims:
Resubmit A2T1 if applicable.
Work on development of game for A3
Develop coding and problem solving abilities

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to problem solving
Create a game from designs made for A2

My Blog
Today I learned about designing my game, and I made a start on some of the assets that I will require for developing it. I feel that I did a pretty good job at this overall, and cannot identify any real weaknesses that I encountered. Overall I feel that I did a good job and should keep up the good work. My next Unit 14 deadline is for A3T1, which is on 02/04/2020.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Both sessions - 05/03/2020

Lesson Aims:
Work towards completion of A2T1
Create resources to use in your game
Request feedback on your game idea
Simplify designs/ideas as required.
Identify what is required to finish A2T1
Set A3T1
Begin Development in Unity

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to developing a game
Research different inspirations for developing a game
Look for game assets to use / be inspiration for your game
Give / receive feedback to / from a peer

My Blog
Today I learned more about planning my computer game that I intend to develop, and I feel that I did pretty well on my Unit 14 (Computer Games Development) A2T1 (A stands for assignment, T for task) assignment. I can't really find any weaknesses in my work today and I will keep up the good work. My Unit 14 A2T1 assignment is due in later today.

SMART targets
To try and stay focused whilst making further improvements to my behaviour. To be specific I will avoid speaking to people in "military style", which I have previously done at times. I will just limit it to role play with other students and/or staff who don't mind.
To revise for this unit (U02 Fundamentals of Computer Systems) in advance of the exam.
To use Trello in the future.
To regularly review SMART targets and my progress in completing them.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Afternoon session - 04/03/2020

Lesson Aims:
Discuss results from A1T1
Work towards completion of A2T1
Create resources to use in your game
Request feedback on your game idea
Simplify designs/ideas as required.
Identify what is required to finish A2T1

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to developing a game
Research different inspirations for developing a game
Look for game assets to use / be inspiration for your game
Give / receive feedback to / from a peer

Today I did some more planning on developing my game, which meant that I learned about game development. I feel that I did quite well in doing this, and will make sure to keep up the good work. My deadline for my Unit 14 A2T1 assignment is tomorrow. 

Morning session - 04/03/2020

Lesson Aim:
The hardware used in computer systems within different businesses
The purpose, features and uses of internal components

How the features of hardware affect their performance and the performance of a computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
multi-functional devices
personal computers
mobile devices
Identify the key Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components
Identify the key Input and Output hardware components
Identify most hardware components

Today I learned more about the hardware and software used in computer systems, I was taught about this and did quite a good job learning about it. However I did do a bad job in answering a mock exam question, and I feel that I could have put some more effort into it. In the future I will make sure to do that, but otherwise I will keep up the good work. My Unit 14 deadline is tomorrow.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Both sessions - 03/03/2020

Lesson Aim:
The hardware used in computer systems within different businesses
The purpose, features and uses of internal components

How the features of hardware affect their performance and the performance of a computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
multi-functional devices
personal computers
mobile devices
Identify the key Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components
Identify the key Input and Output hardware components
Identify most hardware components

My blog
Today I learned how to identify BIOS versions and research possible BIOS upgrades, as well as how to identify suitable parts for a computer for a specific task. I did quite well in researching this and working with a classmate, but I did say a few irrelevant things to myself and the LSA (Learning Support Assistant) and to the classmate I was working with. I did however realise that I was failing to focus on the task in hand, and then began to adjust my behaviour accordingly, although this did take some prompting from the LSA. 

On reflection I will make sure to focus more on the task in hand and avoid these situations in the future, what I will do is try and bring myself back to focus, and failing that I will speak to the LSA, or teacher, and explain the problem to them. Apart from that I will make sure to keep up the good work. My Unit 14 deadline is 05/03/2020.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Both sessions - 27/02/2020

Lesson Aims:
Identify what is required to complete A2T1
Work towards completion of A2T1
Create resources to use in your game
Request feedback on your game idea

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to developing a game
Research different inspirations for developing a game
Look for game assets to use / be inspiration for your game
Give / receive feedback to / from a peer

Today I learned more about game development and completing the Unit 14 A2T1 assignment. I feel that I did a good job and have mostly completed my assignment, but I feel that I could have been more proactive in seeking feedback from peers. I will be more proactive and ask people face to face in the future, but I did manage to get one peer to give me feedback which I did receive and implement. Overall I will keep up the good work.

I have a new deadline for my U14 A2T1 assignment, and that is 05/03/2020. This was after an extension was granted to the previous deadline.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Afternoon session - 26/02/2020

Lesson Aims:
Identify what is required to complete A2T1
Work towards completion of A2T1

Learning Outcomes:
Investigate different approaches to developing a game
Research different inspirations for developing a game
Look for game assets to use / be inspiration for your game

My blog
Today I learned more about designing my game. I did a good job coming up with some good things for it which have contributed to my assignment, as well as making use of my planning when carrying on with it. I feel that I should keep up the good work.

Morning session - 26/02/2020

Lesson Aims and Objectives:
The hardware used in computer systems
The purpose, features and uses of internal components
The hardware used in computer systems
How the features of hardware affect their performance and the performance of a computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
multi-functional devices
personal computers
mobile devices
Identify the key Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components
Identify the key Input and Output hardware components
Identify most hardware components

My blog
Today I learned more about the theory behind the Fundamentals of Computer Systems. I did some more work on my Google Slides presentation on the subject, which I made a start on yesterday. I feel that I might have omitted some information from my slides, so I will be more careful in the future. However I did a good job overall, and will keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Both sessions 25/02/2020

Lesson Aim:
The hardware used in computer systems
The purpose, features and uses of internal components
The hardware used in computer systems
How the features of hardware affect their performance and the performance of a computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
multi-functional devices
personal computers
mobile devices
Identify the key Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components
Identify the key Input and Output hardware components
Identify most hardware components

Today I learned how to assemble and then disassemble a pre-manufactured Personal Computer. I found it quite fun and easy in general, but did encounter some difficult bits during that process e.g. adjusting a fan assembly to turn a fan around, which I had accidentally dislocated. Overall I would say that I tried my best, and that I should keep up the good work.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Both sessions 13/02/2020

Lesson Aims:
Further understanding of the Unity game engine
Work towards completion of A1T1
Identify what is required to complete A2T1

Learning Outcomes:
Make SMART targets for this week.
Identify how software choices affect the development of games.
Explain how and why software choices affect the development of games.
Evaluate how software choices affect the development of games.
Identify how game engines have been used.
Explain the importance of game engines in the development of games.
Evaluate the impact game engines have had on the development of games.
Make a simple game that facilitates control of an object
Add to the functionality of the simple example, identify areas for improvement.

Today I learned more about games development, and I worked on my U14A1T1 assignment. I feel that I made some good progress on it. I did get stuck and have to ask a Learning Support Assistant for help, but I did get it and I then carried on with it. I will make sure to keep up my good work. The deadline is tomorrow, 14/02/2020.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Both sessions - 12/02/2020

Lesson Aim:
Types of computer systems
The purpose, features and uses of internal components
Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
The hardware used in computer systems

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
Describe types of computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
multi-functional devices
personal computers
mobile devices
Identify the key factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components

Learning Objectives (skills, knowledge & attitudes)
Identify the key hardware components
Identify most hardware components
Say what Network Access Methods are used in each topology
Identify Advantages and Disadvantages

My Blog

Today I learned about computer systems, and I listed most of the components that I would use to make an epic gaming PC for no more than about £2650.00. I did a good job in doing my research, and was able to formulate some good reasons. I will keep up the good work. My Unit 14 assignment is due on 14/02/2020.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Catch up - 07/02/2020

Session 05 - Aims & Objectives - 06/02/2020

Lesson Aims:
Investigate how the usage of game engines, and software choices have affected the development of games
Identify approaches to completing A1T1
Set A2T1
Continue introduction to Unity Game Engine

Learning Objectives
Make SMART targets for this week.
Identify how software choices affect the development of games.
Explain how and why software choices affect the development of games.
Evaluate how software choices affect the development of games.
Identify how game engines have been used.
Explain the importance of game engines in the development of games.
Evaluate the impact game engines have had on the development of games.
Make a simple game that facilitates control of an object.
Add to the functionality of the simple example, identify areas for improvement.

My Blog

Today I learned about game development. I did a good job in trying to research things as part of catching up with my classwork. I cannot identify any weaknesses that I feel I encountered at this stage, so I will keep up with the good work. My assignment, U14A1T1, is due on 14/02/2020.

Afternoon session - 11/02/2020

Lesson Aim:
Unit introduction and description of requirements -

Tuesday afternoon - understand the topic and explore the hardware components you will be investigating throughout the unit. inc hard drives / RAM / Power Supply / Disc Drives / Motherboards

Begin to think about why different systems might different components to allow them to fulfill their purpose.

Types of computer systems
The purpose, features and uses of internal components
Factors affecting the choice, use and performance of internal components
The hardware used in computer systems
Describe types of computer system
Describe The purpose, features and uses of internal components used in:
1) multi-functional devices
2) personal computers
3) mobile devices
4) servers

Identify the opportunities and challenges posed by the selecting of components
Identify the key hardware components

My Blog

Today I learned about the Principles of Computer Systems, I did quite well on researching my topics but I did find myself getting overwhelmed and in hindsight I feel that I should have asked for help but I did not. I will work on that in the future. My deadline for my Unit 14 assignment is 14/02/2020.

Afternoon session - 05/11/2019

Today I learned more about creating my website. I did a good job on this and cannot see any areas in which I struggled. I will keep up the good work.

Morning session - 27/11/2019

Aims and Outcomes 27/11/19

Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Test your web pages for functionality, usability and compatibility
Create survey for feedback on your website
Review your website
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

Today I learned more about creating a website and seeking feedback from other students, I did this using a form which I created using Google forms. I did a very good job on this, however I do feel that I did make some mistakes in creating and testing the website which I eventually picked up during my testing of it. I will be more careful in designing and planning my website in the future.

Morning session - 11/02/2020

Lesson Aims:
Review progress on A1T1 thus far.
Peer review A1T1
Begin planning out content for A2 and A3

Learning Objectives:
Identify how to complete A1T1 to P standard
Identify how to complete A1T1 to M standard
Identify how to complete A1T1 to D standard
Work on completion of A1T1
Submit A1T1 for marking
Begin thinking out part of your game for A2/A3
Practice Unity Development.

My blog

Today I have learned more about the theory of computer game development, I feel that I made a good attempt at my assignment, but I feel that I have fallen massively behind. On reflection I feel that I could have tried harder on completing my blog from the outset. My deadline for my blog is 14/02/2020, which is Valentines Day.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Both sessions - 05/02/2020

B2 Cryptographic methods
Key cryptography methods
B3 Applications of cryptography
The types and applications of cryptography.*

Learning aim D:
Implement strategies to protect an IT system from security threats
D1 Group policies
Tools for managing a set of IT systems.
D2 Anti-malware protection
Installation of anti-malware software, configuration of anti-malware scanning schedules.
D3 Firewall configuration
Hardware and/or operating system-embedded firewalls, including configuration of:
inbound and outbound rules to control network connections that are allowed and prevent all other unauthorised connections
firewall events and interpretation of log entries.
D4 Wireless security
Wireless encryption methods, e.g. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), WiFi Protected Access (WPA), WPA2.
Configuration of wireless router security settings.
D5 Access control
Design and implementation of hardware and software access control regimes.
Defining legitimate users, groups and the resources they need to access and the levels of access they need.
Defining password policies.
White listing of applications trusted signed binaries.
Data hiding when viewing logs and visibility of sensitive data.
Defining users with special privileges.
D6 Testing and reviewing protection applied to an IT system
Ensuring rules created do not prevent users from accessing resources required to do their job.
Firewall testing to check the firewall blocks unauthorised traffic and allows legitimate traffic through.
Viewing and interpreting activity logs.
Judging the effectiveness of protection and making recommendations for further improvements.

Assessment 2
(learning aims C and D)

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
Capture and identify packets using Wireshark or other software
Assignment Preparation
GCD & how to work them out
Euclids Algorithm
Plan and develop content for A2T1

Assignment: Learners to have a full description of the requirements for A2T1. They must work independently on the assignment for learning aims C and D. Learners complete this outside class time.

Today I learned about encryption, and also about the security of computer systems. I feel that I did do a good job doing some work on my assignment, however I feel that I failed in getting sufficient progress done. On reflection I should have worked harder. The deadline for the U7 A2 assignment is today, and for the U14 A1 T1 assignment it is 14/02/2020.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Aims and Objectives 04/02/2020

Aims and Objectives 04/02/2020

Lesson Aims - carry out identified tests to judge the security of the network and systems created

AO1 - Follow the test plan and produce evidence
AO2 - Change base settings for antivirus / firewall etc to enhance settings and increase productivity
AO3 - Discuss the success of your tests and the security of your system

Today I learned more about my Encryption and Security assignment, and did a good job logging into Virtual Machines using Microsoft Azure and cracking on with the assignment. However I feel that I have lagged behind, and on reflection I feel that I should have done more work on it.

05/02/2020 - U7A2
14/02/2020 - U14 A1T1

Morning session - 04/02/2020

Session 04 - Aims & Objectives - 04/02/20

Lesson Aims:
Investigate the benefits and limitations of different platforms.
Examine successful and unsuccessful games, including similar games and why the result was different.
Identify how hardware options have affected video game development.
Work on completion of A1T1

Learning Objectives
Identify benefits and limitations of different platforms
Analyse benefits and limitations of different platforms
Participate in a case study analysing the success of video games
Synthesise information relating to the success of video games
Investigate how hardware options / progression has affected video games
Analyse how hardware options / progression has affected video games
Evaluate how hardware options / progression has affected video games
Identify what is required to complete P1
Work on completion of P1

Today I learned about different gaming platforms, I took part in a group activity and feel that I did quite well. However at times I feel that outside the context of this exercise, I could have done more but felt unable to carry on, as I felt it hard to concentrate on the task in hand. On reflection, I will try and get things done as best as I can in the future, and to ask for help where needed. My deadlines are 05/02/2020 (tomorrow), and 14/02/2020, which is Valentines Day. :D

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Both sessions - 30/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Identify what is required to complete A1T1
Begin familiarisation with the Unity game engine

Learning Objectives:
Conduct research into and explain multiplayer, ai, emerging tech, and security concerns
Make notes on and discuss multiplayer, ai, emerging tech, and security concerns
Make detailed notes and evaluate different aspects of multiplayer, ai, emerging tech, and security concerns
Identify best approaches to developing a video game
Consider best approaches to complete A1T1
Begin making notes, and planning how to complete A1T1
Create a Unity account and investigate the editor
Download tutorial projects and investigate how they function

My Blog
Today I learned more about Unit 14 A1T1 (Assignment 1 Task 1), and also started started preparing to complete this assignment, as well as playing tutorial projects which were made in Unity. I did a make a start on planning it, but I do feel that I got a bit sidetracked when playing the tutorial projects, some were a bit addictive though. :D Anyway, I feel that I did quite well overall, and will keep up the good work. I must hand in U14 (Unit 14) A1T1 by 14/02/2020, which is once again the same day as Valentines Day.

SMART Targets
To improve my group working abilities, and try my best to engage with other members of the group whilst not carrying any passengers.

To further improve my behaviour, and focus. This includes keeping my laughter to a minimum. I will also avoid talking rubbish in lessons even if other people do, this will apply at all times.

If I have difficulty achieving the above target then I will follow Kerry Lymbery's advice to either try and bring myself back to focus, or failing that I'll speak to a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) if I have difficulty doing that. If I find the task difficult, or worse still impossible then I will try and ask for help.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Both sessions 29/01/2020

Aims & Objectives
B1 Cryptographic principles
B2 Cryptographic methods
Key cryptography methods
B3 Applications of cryptography
The types and applications of cryptography.*

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
Investigate Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography used to encrypt mobile phone data.
Identify threats and security flaws in encryption methods
GCD & how to work them out
Euclids Algorithm method

My blog
Today I learned about cryptographic principles and methods, as well as continuing to work on the Unit 7 Assignment 2 assignment which is due in for the 5th Feb 2020. I did quite well in dealing with this assignment, and also I did do quite well at encoding and decoding messages. However I accept that I did not get things at times, and I did try to ask for assistance, but getting someone to assist was difficult and took time, as the staff were occupied with other duties. Overall I tried my best, and as the centre manager said no one can ask me to do better than that. I will keep up the good work, and continue to ask for assistance where needed. I will ensure that I hand in my U7A2 assignment in for 05/02/2020, and also my Unit 14 A1 assignment for 14/02/2020, which is St Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Afternoon session - 28/01/2020

Lesson Aims - to continue to produce evidence for U7A2

AO1 - produce evidence of sharing a folder with varying permissions and testing the access of this folder
AO2 - follow installation plan and record screenshots for final assignment

My Blog

Today I learned more about computer security, and permissions. I did a good job on my Unit 7, Assignment 2 task, however I accept that I did fail to produce evidence of sharing a folder with varying permissions, and testing the access of this folder, as mentioned above (striked out). In the future I will make sure to do things like this as a priority to avoid a similar situation occurring again. Apart from that I will make sure to keep up with the good work.

Deadline for submission - 06/02/2020

Morning session - 28/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Discuss favourite games exercise
Investigate the different types of game genre
Examine the history of video games in a given time period (decades)
Set Assignment One

Learning Objectives:
Discuss your favourite game if required
Identify different game genres
Investigate the history of video games
Discuss your findings on the history of video games
Deliver a presentation on the history of video games in a given era
Explain the common types of player, how they differ
Identify the main differences between Indie, AAA, and free-to-play games.
Analyse the differences between Indie, AAA, and free-to-play games.
Evaluate the differences between Indie, AAA, and free-to-play games.
Identify what is required to complete Assignment One

My blog

Today I learned about Assignment One, Unit 14 (Game Design), and also about video games. My strengths were in doing some good research during a team exercise with one of my classmates, and doing some good work in presenting it in the form of a Google Slides presentation. My weaknesses were sometimes getting stuck when trying to complete research tasks, but I would have asked for assistance if I had felt that it was necessary. Overall I did pretty well, but I must remember to ask for help if needed. My new deadline for Assignment one is 14/02/2020.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Afternoon session - 23/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Complete Introduction survey on classroom
Introduce learners to U14, explain assignments, notes doc, activities, game creation software, etc.

Learning Objectives:
Identify how to pass assessments in U14
Prepare a notes document to keep track of research for this unit
Research and prepare a document discussing a favourite video game

Today I learned about Unit 14, which is a unit on Game Development, and the latest unit that I will now be studying. I feel that I did quite well in my efforts on researching a game that I like, and used to play very frequently, this is called "Team Fortress 2". However I feel that I did do a bad job choosing a game, and that I could have gone for a better choice for the exercise in hand, on reflection I will be more proactive when making these decisions, and perhaps consider changing my decision in the future, in the event of a similar occurrence.

I will ensure that my Unit 7 assignment is completed and submitted on time, my deadline for this assignment is 23:59 on 05/02/2020.

I will also aim to meet the following SMART targets, in addition to the above assignment:
To ensure that my Azure VM is turned off when not in use
To further improve my behaviour, and focus on my work. I also wish to ensure that I do not procrastinate, and/or get distracted by any members of staff, or classmates, or funny material that I find online, or other distractions that I come across, whether in real life or online. I will ensure that I avoid making any more inappropriate comments, and that I keep laughter to a minimum.
To ensure that I attend all sessions with Kerry Lymbery, which will be on managing my behaviour, and ensuring that the above target is met.
To improve my organisation, in particular to make increased use of Trello.
To ensure that from now on, I will always set myself SMART targets every week whether asked to do so, or not.

Morning session - 23/01/2020

Today I learned more about using Microsoft Azure, and how to access different computers, and user accounts on a domain network, as well as how to configure a group policy across the network, and all of the client computers on it. My strength was in being able to understand all of this, which I accept is complicated, and may be difficult for the layperson to understand. My weakness was in sometimes getting stuck, but I did ask for help and was able to get things done. On reflection I consider my efforts to have been good, and will keep up the good work. My Unit 7 Assignment 2 deadline is 05/02/2020.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Morning session - 22/01/2020

Lesson Aims - To ensure the correct digital environment is available to complete the required security implementation plan for Assignment 2

AO1 - Ensure you have promoted your server to a DC
AO2 - Create the required Users and Groups to create folder permissions
AO3 - Update your plan and diary to ensure that the correct testing can take place once the servers and clients are created

My Blog

Today I learned more about this assignment, task, and subject; as well as more about the use of Microsoft Azure. I did a good job getting the server promoted to a Domain Controller, and completing other networking related tasks. I did however make some mistakes with typing up the assignment, and have learned that I should really import images one by one, rather than all in one go, which can be hard to manage as they could end up in the wrong order. My deadline for this assignment, Unit 7 Assignment 2, is 05/02/2020.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Afternoon session - 21/02/2020

Lesson Aims - To work independently on Unit 7 Assignment 2 ready for the submission

AO1 - Discuss your understanding of How to avoid security threats, describing techniques used to mitigate risks.
AO2 - Continue to work on your Server, Promoting to DC if necessary and looking into creating policies
AO3 - record steps and progress as evidence of implementation of security strategies and programs

My blog

Today I learned that I need to be careful to select the correct subscription on Azure the hard way and more about security and encryption as I continued to complete my A2 assignment, as part of Unit 7 which covers Security and Encryption. I did a good job getting my Virtual Machines set up, and cracking on with my A2 assignment.  On reflection I will not make the same mistake again, my Unit 7 A2 deadline is 05/02/2020.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Both sessions - 16/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Explore built in functions
Identify different methods of validation
Revisit the quicksort algorithm
Conduct research and develop your knowledge on U01
Complete the U01 Exit survey.

Learning Objectives:
Identify problem areas still requiring further revision
Explain a built in function
Explain and provide a usage for a built in function
Identify different types of data validation
Explain the reasoning behind choosing a data validation approach
Explain the basic premise of a binary search
Use binary search to identify if a value exists in a data structure
Explain the basic premise of the quicksort algorithm
Sort a data structure using the quicksort algorithm
Explain each step of a sort using the quicksort algorithm
Conduct revision on topic areas you find difficult
Complete the U01 end of unit survey in the classroom

Today I learned more about U01 (Principles of Computer Science) in preparation for my exam on this unit tomorrow. I did good at learning about some parts of this unit, however I did not do so well in certain areas, the quicksort algorithm in particular. Overall I did what I could do, so will keep up the good work. My Unit 7 assignment is due on 05/02/2020.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Both sessions - 15/01/2020

Aims & Objectives
Students will work on their second assignment practical sections.

Learning Outcomes (what the learner will be able to do)
Investigate Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography used to encrypt mobile phone data.
Identify threats and security flaws in encryption methods
Undertake the cryptography quiz/assessment in groups of 3
Work towards the completion of A2T1

Today I learned about cyber security, and more about the use of the application Packet Tracer. I did a very good job following the Packet Tracer tutorials, but did get a bit stuck on my assignment and did encounter some difficulties which I was able to overcome. I will keep up the good work, and ask for assistance if necessary. My deadline for my Unit 7 assignment is 05/02/2020.

Afternoon session - 07/01/2020

Lesson aims - to set up a mini network and capture packets using a packet sniffer

AO1- Working in groups, use the PCs accessed in the past and collect a router / switch
AO2 - ensure Wireshark has been installed and look at the output to see what information was collected

Today I learned that setting up old computers from the cupboard is a difficult task and easier said then done. My strengths were putting in 100% effort and making every effort to contribute to the team's collective effort, even when people weren't exactly grateful for my enthusiasm. My main weakness was that I spent too long on an impossible task, namely trying to connect a network of computers to the internet via an old router out of the cupboard. In the future I will use the easiest method available and just connect one computer via a LAN cable.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Afternoon session - 14/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Go over pseudocode and flowcharts
Practice content learned for exam

Learning Objectives:
Practice Pseudocode and Flowcharts
Revisit content taught earlier in the unit

Today I learned more about Unit 1 which I am currently studying in preparation for my Unit 1 exam on Friday. I feel that I have learned quite a bit about the Principles of Computer Science which is covered by this unit, but that I have some gaps in my knowledge when it comes to Pseudocode and Flowcharts. On reflection I feel that I should have revised more. My exam is this Friday and my Unit 7 assignment is due on 05/02/2020.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Both sessions - 09/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Complete a mock exam under exam conditions
Peer mark and discuss approaches to questions in smaller focus groups
Go through course content identified as problematic from mock earlier this week

Learning Objectives:
Identify problem areas still requiring further tuition
Complete a practice exam
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 50%
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 65%
Peer review answers to mock exams, identifying improvements

Today I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses by completing a mock exam. An example of a strength was when I did a lot of good short answers in response to the short questions, and examples of weaknesses was when I encountered the long questions and often scored few marks, if any. On reflection I don't believe I did very well in my mock exam. I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 7 Assignment (U7 A2) on or before 05/02/2020.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Both sessions - 08/01/2020

Aims & Objectives

A5 Impact of security breaches*
B1 Cryptographic principles
B2 Cryptographic methods
Key cryptography methods
B3 Applications of cryptography
The types and applications of cryptography.*
Assessment 2 (learning aims C and D)

Learning Outcomes

Investigate A5/1 cyphers used to encrypt mobile phone data.
Identify threats and security flaws in encryption methods
Capture and identify packets using Wireshark or other software
Plan and develop content for A2T1


Learners to have a full description of the requirements for A2T1. They must work independently on the assignment for learning aims C and D. Learners complete this outside class time.

My blog

Today I learned more about the physical and software requirements for computer systems within the context of the business environment. I did a good job writing about this in my assignment. However I did get slightly confused when planning my assignment, this is a weakness of mine that I quickly overcame by immediately requesting assistance from the Learning Support Assistant (LSA) who was present in my classroom. On reflection I feel that I did the best that I could, I must now hand in my A2 assignment for Unit 7 (U7 A2), by 05/02/2020.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Morning session - 07/01/2020

Lesson Aims:
Complete a mock exam under exam conditions
Peer mark a mock exam
Create revision materials, e.g. kahoot quizzes, flash cards, etc
Identify specific areas requiring further revision

Lesson Objectives:
Complete a mock exam
Complete a mock exam, scoring at least 40%
Complete a mock exam, scoring at least 55%
Create revision materials
Engage with re-discussion of material covered during U01

Today I came back from Develop after a long 3 week break over the Christmas holidays, I learnt about my strengths and weaknesses through a mock exam which I undertook under exam conditions. I did quite well on some of the questions e.g. data validation, decomposition, Pseudocode, and algorithms. However I did not do so well on some of the other questions e.g. division and modulo operators, analysis of programs, flowcharts, and service-oriented programming. On reflection I should have revised more, and I should have done a mock exam over Christmas which I didn't get round to because I was too busy celebrating. It was the time to be jolly after all! I have no new assignments but must revise (properly this time) for my actual exam on 17/01/2020.