Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Both sessions - 18/12/2019

Aims & Objectives
Create a network of 3 computers including 1 laptop
Use Wireshark to capture traffic on their network
Identify the data captured in the packets and state why that is dangerous
Work within health and safety guidelines
Use MS Azure

My Blog

Today I learned more about networking when I connected 2 computers together as part of my lesson today. I noticed that both of the computers were difficult to work with, and I was presented with a challenge by my classmates, which I made my very best attempts to solve. I would say that my good attempts were definitely a strength of mine today. I cannot see any weaknesses that I encountered today, and I will keep up the good work. I have no new deadlines but must revise for my Unit 1 exam.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Afternoon session 17/12/2019

Aims & Objectives
Create a network of 3 computers including 1 laptop
Use Wireshark to capture traffic on their network
Identify the data captured in the packets and state why that is dangerous
Work within health and safety guidelines
Use MS Azure

Today I learned how to use Wireshark, and use computers out of the cupboard whilst working within the health and safety guidelines. I didn't really do much during that exercise, which I see as a weakness as I should have asked the teacher to intervene. However I did (earlier today) ask another one of my tutors if I could work with another student during any team exercises today, he incorrectly told me that there would be none which I feel contributed to my epic fail today. I have no new deadlines, but must hand in the Unit 15 Assignment that I have outstanding by the end of the day as previously mentioned.

Morning session 17/12/2019

Lesson Aims:
To identify areas requiring rethought
To create a revision timetable to lead up to the exam
To create revision kahoots to play as a class
To practice knowledge learned over the course of this unit
Answer two exam questions
Identify errors in Python code

Learning Objectives:
Identify a revision schedule
Create a revision timetable for over Xmas and until the exam
Create revision materials
Help peers by disseminating your knowledge.
Complete two exam questions
Complete two exam questions; scoring at least 40%
Complete two exam questions; scoring > 50%

Today I learned about the principles of computer science and did some practice exam questions. However in spite of my best efforts I feel that I failed epically at both of them, having scored only 7 marks. Therefore I cannot see any strengths of my work so far today. I will revise more in the future, and have to hand in my Unit 15 A3 assignment by the end of today.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Both sessions - 12/12/2019

Session 25 - Aims & Objectives - 12/12/19

Lesson Aims:
Identify areas that require going over again
Work on completion of website wiki exercise
Complete a proper mock exam under full exam conditions

Learning Objectives:
Investigate the concept of code translation
Explain the basic premise behind code translation
Identify the advantages / disadvantages to code translation
Work on completion of wiki exercise
Discuss areas requiring further teaching / elaboration
Complete a practice exam
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 50%
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 65%

Today I learned about my strengths and weaknesses in this unit, and I also learned about code translation. I managed to do a good job investigating the concept of code translation, however I do not feel that I did a good job in my exam. I will make sure to do more revision on my weak areas in the future.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Both sessions 05/12/2019

Session 23 - Aims & Objectives - 05/12/19

Lesson Aims:
Finalise an OOP exercise in Python
Put EDP knowledge into practice
Practice knowledge learned over learning aims C and D
Understand the concept of growth mindset
Create new SMART targets

Learning Objectives:
Finish the OOP bank account example
Identify EDP examples in real life / computing
Analyse and explain EDP examples in real life / computing
Identify EDP elements of a GUI
Analyse and explain EDP elements of a GUI
Complete a practice exam
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 50%
Complete a practice exam scoring at least 65%

Today I learned about fixed vs flexible mindsets, as well as completing an exam on the Principles of Computer Science. I believe that I did a good job in writing a about real life examples of event driven programming, those being level crossings and CD / RA indicators. CD stands for "Close Doors" and RA stands for "Right Away". However I feel that my performance in my exam was poor as I only achieved about a quarter of the available marks, on reflection I should have revised more. I have no new deadlines but must get my Unit 15 assignment handed in on or before 12/12/2019.

My SMART targets are the following: to avoid making certain comments e.g. "Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Three Bags Full"  during lessons, in front of staff or other students who might find it inappropriate, and to ensure that my general behaviour remains appropriate and acceptable, whether in or out of lesson times. I will continue to ensure that my behaviour does not disrupt other pupils from learning or staff from teaching, to finish off and submit A3, to continue to achieve all objectives regarding my VMs on the Azure platform, and to continue to refresh and retain my understanding of the topic.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Afternoon session 04/12/2019

Lesson Aims - Understand what a Domain is and Promote your virtual server to a Domain controller

AO1 - Promote to a DC using a new forest
AO2 - Create Groups and users
AO3 - Begin to give users access to resources via group allocation

Today I learned how to administrate a Domain Controller, and learned how to set up a VM server using Microsoft Azure again due to my course tutor deleting my old one because I couldn't login, and he thought that I had forgotten my password (LOL), whereas I had in fact made a mistake in logging in after promoting it to a Domain Controller. I did a very good job overall and cannot see any weaknesses. I will make sure to keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Afternoon session - 03/12/2019

Aims: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Complete website creation, using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Optimise you web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Test your web pages for functionality, usability and compatibility
Create and send out a survey for feedback on your website
Make at least one change on your website based on testing and feed back
Review your website
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

Today I learned more about producing my website for an intended audience and purpose. I did a good job at continuing to produce and test the website, in fact I feel that I did not have any issues doing this, and therefore no weaknesses. I will keep up the good work and try my best to ensure that it is ready for the deadline which is 12/12/2019.

Morning session - 03/12/2019

Lesson Aims:
Introduce and explore the concept of Polymorphism
Finish off implementing Inheritance and Encapsulation in Python
Introduce and explore the EDP paradigm

Learning Objectives:
Research and make notes on Polymorphism
Explain the basic concept of Polymorphism
Implement a basic Inheritance structure in Python
Implement the stretch tasks for the inheritance Python exercise
Research and make notes on EDP
Explain the basic concept of EDP

Today I learned about the concepts of Polymorphism, and event-driven programming. I did a good job on the group task which was on an inheritance structure in Python with one of my classmates, however I feel that we did get stuck a few times and should have asked for help rather than trying to sort out the problems we encountered ourselves. On reflection I will do that in the future, I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 15 A3 assignment on time.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Afternoon session - 27/11/2019

Lesson Aims - To understand the relationship between Users/resources and permissions

AO1 - Create a new client virtual machine
AO2 - Update the new PC and install Anti Virus
AO3 - investigate the local policies and how files are shared

My Blog:

Today I learned how to create a client virtual machine, update it, and install an anti-virus on it. I did a very good job dealing with this exercise and the various challenges that arose, I do not see any weaknesses and will be keeping up the good work. I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 15 A3 assignment by 12/12/2019.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Afternoon Session - 26/11/2019

Aims and Outcomes 26/11/19
Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Test your web pages for functionality, usability and compatibility
Create survey for feedback on your website
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

My Blog
Today I learned more about creating my existing website and how to upload it to a server using the FileZilla application and the FTP protocol. I did a very good job on my website, and I do not see any weaknesses that I encountered. I believe that this is a good thing and I will make sure that I keep up the good work. My website will have to be handed in on the lesson after next lesson. The websites URL is:

Today we did a starter in which we took cards with various phrases on (relating to surveying the quality of a website), and then examined them before ranking them in a specific order which was the quality of phrase used.

Morning session - 26/11/2019

Session 21 - Aims & Objectives - 26/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Introduce concepts of Encapsulation, Data-Hiding, Reusability
Implement an OOP example of a Bank Account
Complete a practice test

Learning Objectives:
Explain the basic premise of Encapsulation, data-hiding and reusability
Identify the importance of Encapsulation, data-hiding and reusability
Implement a basic OOP Bank account in Python / C#
Add extra functionality to the OOP Bank Account
Complete a practice test
Complete a practice test scoring at least 45%
Complete a practice test scoring > 60%

My Blog:

Today I learned about encapsulation, data-hiding, reusability, and how to code using OOP within the context of the Python programming language. Whilst I did a good job researching encapsulation, data-hiding, and reusability, I did discover that I had some difficulties coding using the Python programming language. In the future, I will do more to learn about the Python programming language. I have no new deadlines but must hand in all my assignment by the deadline.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Afternoon session - 21/12/2019

Session 20 - 21/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Introduce the concepts of classes and inheritance in the context of OOP
Practice implementing OOP aspects in code
Practice writing code in Python and/or C#

Learning Objectives
Explain the basic premise of classes in the context of OOP
Implement an OOP class in Python / C#
Explain the basic premise of inheritance in the context of OOP
Implement a simple inheritance example in Python / C#

My Blog
Today I learned about the concept of classes and inheritance in the context of OOP, I did a very good job at that and do not see any room for improvement. I have no new deadlines but must hand in my existing work on or before my existing deadlines.

During my tutorial hour I learned that it is important to respect everyone regardless of any differences. This is because we are all human and showing respect to others and respect for equality and diversity are core values of Develop EBP. This means that another person's differences must be respected at all times by all members of staff and students here.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Afternoon session - 20/11/2019

Lesson Aims - to understand virtualization and to build a virtual server on Microsoft Azure

AO1 - Discuss Virtualization (sic) and comment on positive and negative aspects
AO2 - Create a Virtual server on Azure
AO3 - Successfully connect to your server through RDP

My Blog:

Today I discussed virtualisation (known as "virtualization" in US English), commented on positive and negative aspects, created a virtual server on Azure, and successfully connected to it through RDP and learned about the operation of servers on enterprise networks in the process. I did a good job doing this, but I did end up getting stuck and did not ask for assistance until I had made a rather length attempt at fixing the fault, which was unsuccessful. On reflection I will ask for assistance from my course tutor at an earlier stage in the future. I have no new deadlines but must hand in all assignments on or before their deadlines, in particular the Unit 15 A3 assignment which I have already mentioned in my earlier blog post.

Morning session - 20/11/2019

Aims and Outcomes 20/11/19
Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Add interactive element(s) to your website
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Test website for functionality, usability and compatability
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

My Blog:
Today I created a further web page using HTML, with a Javascript form on it. I learned how to customise the form, which I "borrowed" from my course tutor. I did a good job in customising the form however I accept that I have occasionally got carried away with experimenting with stuff and may benefit from asking for additional support on the subject matter at times to make sure that I know what I am doing and am on task, without trying to reinvent the wheel and waste time in the process. On reflection I will ask for assistance where needed and try to make more efficient use of my time. I have no new deadlines but must hand in all existing assignments, the Unit 15 A3 assignment in particular on or before their deadlines.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Afternoon session - 19/11/2019

Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Add interactive element(s) to your website
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions
Test website for functionality, usability and compatibility

My Blog:
Today I learned more about website design and creating a website, I did a very good job adding content to my existing website and testing it. However I did lag behind in some areas and fail to use CSS or any interactive elements. On reflection, I will try and get those done and seek assistance on doing that if required. I have no new deadlines but must hand in all existing assignments, A3 in particular on time.

Morning session - 19/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Introduce OOP
Revisit Quicksort in a little more detail.
Engage with external speaker session.

Learning Objectives:
Further understanding of QuickSort
Explain the definition of OOP
Practice learned knowledge through kahoot / Know it all Ninja

My Blog:
Today I learned about OOP (Object Oriented Programming), I did a good job researching it. However I do not feel that I fully engaged with the external speaker session provided today, so have striked it out. On reflection, I fail to see how this was my fault. I have the usual deadlines and no new ones today.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Both sessions - 14/11/2019

Session 18 - Aims & Objectives - 14/11/19
Lesson Aims:
Research revision techniques.
Introduce learning aim D, Programming paradigms.
Learning Objectives:
Research and create a presentation on approaches to revision.
Get caught up on KiAN / Create revision resources
Investigate Procedural programming

My blog
Today I learned about programming paradigms and analysing lines of code. I did a good job analysing a C# program line by line, however I did get confused and feel that I could revise more to better prepare myself for lessons. On reflection I will do that in the future. I have no new deadlines but must hand in my assignments on or before the due dates, this includes my Unit 15 assignments, A2 and A3.

I have set the following new SMART targets: to get my website done, and Assignment 3 completed and handed in on time, to continue to ensure that my behaviour both and outside of lessons remains appropriate and acceptable, and does not disrupt other pupils from learning, to continue to improve my organisation and to also make further use of Trello.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Afternoon session - 13/11/2019

Lesson Objectives - 13/11/2019
Learning Outcome - To understand the importance of physical security and to identify techniques to back up data effectively

AO1 - Identify suitable physical techniques that can be used to keep Servers and Data safe
AO2 - Discuss incremental, differential and Full backups. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of all when looking at backup and restore times

My blog
Today I learned about incremental, differential and full backups and the difference between them. I did a good job researching about them but accept that I did at times take some time putting things into my own words and did fail to cover sufficient subjects. On reflection I will make sure to cover as many subjects (relating to the task set) that I can and to work through with more haste. I have no new deadlines relating to this unit.

Morning session - 13/11/2019

Aims and Objectives 13/11/19
Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Add interactive element(s) to your website
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

My blog:
Today I learned more about creating my website using HTML and Bootstrap, I believe that I have completed this task and have just got to improve that by formatting it using CSS, optimising it by using an single external style sheet and adding interactive elements. I did a very good job in efficently getting the basic website done, however I accept that I did dilly dally at times and should have sought assistance at an earlier stage, however this is a more general remark about my creation of the website and not my work in the session today. On reflection I will implement the lesson I have learnt and make sure to do this if I get stuck. I have no new deadlines but must hand in my website (Unit 15 A3) before the deadline in Mid December.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Afternoon session - 12/11/2019

Aims and Objectives 12/11/19
Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Add interactive element(s) to your website
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

My blog
Today I learned more about coding my website and organising it by keeping a diary. I did a very good job on coding the website and writing my diary but I did sometimes get stuck. However I was able to overcome the obstacles that I faced and deal with them in the appropriate manner which was very good on my part. On reflection I just need to keep the good work, there are no improvements to be made.

I have no new deadlines but need to get Assignment 3 (on this unit) handed in for 05/11/2019 and Assignment 2 (on this unit) handed in sometime within this week.

Morning session 12/11/2019

Session 17 - Aims & Objectives - 12/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Practice literacy and numeracy
Complete searching and sorting exercise
Test retained knowledge on learning aim C
Create an information resource for a topic in learning aim C

Learning Objectives
Complete an exercise practicing knowledge on sorting and searching
Complete a mock test
Complete a mock test scoring at least 50%
Complete a mock test scoring at least 65%
Create a learning resource for a learning aim C topic

My blog
Today I learned about searching and sorting, I tried my best but unfortunately did encounter some obstacles in my knowledge which lead to an overall epic fail in spite of my good efforts. In the future I will try and spend more time familiarising myself with essential concepts so that I can get ready for situations in which my knowledge of them will be required.

I have no new deadlines but do have to do some extra work on my Unit 15 assignment which I have already handed in. I will have a session with the course tutor for that unit this afternoon and will try to get it done then.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Afternoon session - 07/11/2019

Session 16 - Aims & Objectives - 07/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Work on revision for the unit and/or outstanding work for other units.
Practice learned content through a quiz.

Learning Objectives
Work on revision for U01
Work on completion of outstanding work for other units.
Test knowledge using Kahoot.

My blog
Today I learned by revising what I had already learned on Unit 1 which is the unit that covers the Principles of Computer Science. I also did a Kahoot quiz which I managed to get quite a few questions right on. However whilst I did the Kahoot quiz, I did find that there were some gaps in my knowledge. On reflection I should have prepared better by revising in advance in order to preempt any situations in which my existing knowledge would come in handy. I will do that in the future. I have no new deadlines but the existing deadline for the Unit 15 assignment was extended by my course tutor today for another week, presumably it will now be 14/11/2019. I did not do the morning session as the centre was closed for the entire morning today, however I did do the afternoon session.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Afternoon session - 06/11/2019

Aims and Objectives
To complete my Unit 7 A1T1 assignment.

My blog
Today I continued on with my Unit 7 A1T1 assignment and in the process I learned more about cryptography and security threats to organisations. I did a good job researching the topics covered in my assignment and writing about it. I cannot see any weaknesses with my performance in this session.

I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 7 assignment by the end of today. I will make sure to do so.

Morning session - 06/11/2019

Aims and Objectives 06/11/19

Aim: Produce a website for an intended audience and purpose

Create web pages using HTML for structure and Bootstrap to make responsive
Format your web pages using CSS
Optimise your web pages e.g. use a single external style sheet, compress images
Keep a diary to show individual responsibility, effective time management, justified recommendations and decisions

My blog
Today I learned more about creating a website as part of Unit 15. I did a very good job checking for problems and solving them by using the correct methods. However I did not achieve all of the outcomes and on reflection I accept that I should have tried to do so. In the future I will make sure to ask the tutor for help in achieving all of them so I don't lag behind.

I have no new deadlines but must hand in my Unit 7 assignment by the end of today.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Morning session 05/11/2019

Session 15 - Aims & Objectives - 05/11/19

Lesson Aims:
Introduce quicksort, practice solving by hand.
Introduce searching methods (Binary and Linear)
Revisit L.A B knowledge and create a poster (pairs)

Lesson Objectives:
Explain the premise behind Quick Sort
Explain the premise behind Linear Search
Explain the premise behind Binary Search
Use learned knowledge to create a poster on L.A B

My blog

Today I learned about Pseudocode, sorting and searching. I did a pretty good job in being proactive when working with Nathan during a team exercise, I asked for help when I had some difficulty understanding the task. I was able to make use of this and subsequently understand the task. However I do feel that at times I have still struggled when working in a team. On reflection I feel that I should still be trying harder to integrate myself into it or failing that to request assistance as and when required. 

I have no new deadlines but must submit my Unit 15 assignment by 08/11/2019 and my Unit 7 assignment by tomorrow.

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Both sessions - 31/10/2019

Session 14 - Aims & Objectives - 31/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Create a poster for Computational Thinking
Test knowledge on Data Structures
Test knowledge learned thus far through a revision test
Introduce concept of Insertion sort, work through examples by hand
Work on completion of KIAN, make revision resources, practice coding, revision aids, etc
Learn about social anxiety

Learning Objectives:
Note taking and research skills
Group working
Coding Skills

My blog:
Today I learned about computational thinking and data structures. I did a good job during the revision test and passed it, although my score was low and I could have scored better. On reflection, I believed that I should have revised more. In the future I will make sure to do some more revision and possibly make use of learning support if I struggle with anything.

I have no new deadlines but as previously mentioned I need to get my Unit 7 assignment in by 06/11/2019 and my Unit 15 assignment in by 07/11/2019.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Afternoon session - 30/10/2019

Lesson 7 - Aims and Objectives
Lesson Aims - to prepare for the completion of Assignment 1 and to set up virtual wifi security networks

AO1 - Describe the main applications of Cryptography - Secure Website communication, VPNs and WIFI access
AO2 - Complete the PacketTracer file which requires varying levels of security
AO3 - Access other PacketTracer files shared on Classrooms

My blog
I learned about the applications of cryptography today, I did a very good job in quickly cracking on with a task set in a PacketTracer file. However I did complete my work prematurely but did not inform the tutor which I feel that I should have done so he could advise me what to do. In the future I will do so. I have the usual deadlines I have previously mentioned, one of those examples is the deadline for 06/11/2019 for A1 of Unit 7

Morning session - 30/10/2019

Today I learned how to code and create a website. I did a very good job learning, selecting and using code from an online resource I was instructed to use by my course tutor. However I did get a bit confused as to what I method I should have used and I was guided as to what I should do by my course tutor, in the future I will learn from that by asking for assistance at an earlier stage if and when I get confused by the task in hand. I have no new deadlines but am going to be set a new assignment for Unit 15, namely Assignment 3 (A3) and I still have my existing deadlines. To be specific, I was originally set the A2 deadline for 01/11/2019 but have been granted a weeks extension on that assignment and I have the Unit 7 deadline for A1 which is 06/11/2019.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Afternoon session - 29/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 29/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Create an asset table for your website
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required
Collect feedback for your design
Make changes to your design based on feedback
Justify your design decisions

My blog
Today I learned more about how to design and prototype my website. I did a good job creating a good quality prototype for my website but I have lagged behind other students in that I did not start creation of the actual website. I will work with my course tutor to ensure that I start this without delay, on reflection I could have possibly avoided this situation by doing more work on this assignment outside of lessons.

My deadlines are the same as I have previously mentioned on my blog today, however I have been informed that I am going to have another assignment set, specifically Assignment 3 (A3).

Morning session 29/10/2019

Lesson Aims:
Practice learned knowledge through exercises
Introduce the concept of Sorting Algorithms, looking at Bubble Sort initially
Practice physically sorting lists using the Bubble Sort algorithm

Learning Objectives:
Practice knowledge learned of Stacks & Queues
Identify different sorting methods
Use bubble sort to order simple lists
Use bubble sort to order intermediate lists

My blog
Today I learned about different types of sorting algorithm within the context of data structures. I did a good job working in a team with my classmate and ensuring that his answers were correct by working through the questions with him. However I did make some mistakes when using the bubble sort technique, I will make sure to revise it and familarise myself with its use before I use it in the future.

I have two deadlines which were previously set, specifically one for Unit 15 which is 01/11/2019 and also Unit 7 which is 06/11/2019. However I was not set any deadlines or assignments today.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Both sessions - 17/10/2019

Lesson Aims:
Practice creating functions, pseudocode and flowcharts
Introduce and explore the concept of stacks and queues
Revise knowledge using KnowItAlLNinja
Identify the importance of internet safety
Practice programming skills

Learning Objectives:
Create pseudocode and flowcharts to describe a function
Use the above to create python code
Reinforce knowledge using KnowItAllNinja
Identify the importance of staying safe online
Write code using Python

My blog
Today I learned more about creating functions, pseudocode and flowcharts, as well as the concept of stacks and queues and the importance of internet safety. I also practiced my programming skills.

I did a good job when making an internet safety poster which was shown to the rest of the class, my course tutor noticed this and praised me for my efforts. 

My poster included the following tips: be aware of who you are speaking to online, make sure that you know what location information you are sharing, take care when you are using a webcam online, and finally you should consider your digital footprint. If you do not want everyone else to see something, then do not publicly post it online.

However I did discover that my knowledge on Unit 1, which covers the Principles of Computer Science, was lacking. This was shown as I scored a low score on a Kahoot quiz, which did surprise me.

In the future I will do more revision to make sure that I familiar with the appropriate Unit knowledge which will hopefully be reflected when it comes to exams.

I have a new deadline which is 29/10/2019, during this time I need to get myself up to scratch on Know It All Ninja, which is a website that provides revision material and quizzes. I also need to submit my assignments on or before my existing deadlines which are 06/11/2019 for the Unit 7 assignment and 01/11/2019 for the Unit 15 assignment.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Afternoon session - 16/10/2019

Lesson Objective - to understand the fundamental purpose of Cryptography

AO1 - Make notes on the history and essentials of Cryptography and Encryption
AO2 - Understand the uses of Encryption - including DRM, Hashing and Secure Transactions
AO3 - Complete a hash on a string
AO4 - Begin to investigate Cryptographic methods such as Hashing and Block / Stream Cyphers

My blog
Today I learned about encryption in more detail, areas covered included methods of cryptography, digital rights management and encryption protocols.

I did a good and efficient job at completing a worksheet which my tutor tasked me with completing.

I have looked at my progress today but could not determine any weaknesses, I will make sure to keep up the good work that I demonstrated in this lesson.

I have no new deadline but must submit my work in my the aforementioned deadlines, see my earlier post for details.

Morning session - 16/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 16/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Create an asset table for your website
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required
Collect feedback for your design
Make changes to your design based on feedback
Justify your design decisions

My blog
Today I did some work with developing the prototype my website and completing the associated Unit 15 assignment sheet. 

I did a good job designing my website and did get some positive feedback about it both from other pupils and my tutor.

However I did make a mistake when designing it which I soon rectified.

On reflection I did a pretty good job with the prototype of my website today.

I have no new deadlines but must submit my Unit 15 assignment by 01/11/2019 and my Unit 7 assignment by 06/11/2019.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Morning session - 15/10/2019

Session 11 - Aims & Objectives - 15/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Investigate Data Structures: Records/structs and Sets
Affirm knowledge using Know it all Ninja
Complete a revision test

Learning Objectives
Explain the premise of Records/structs and sets
Explain the usages of records / structs and sets
Complete a revision test
Complete a revision test and score > 50%
Complete a revision test and score > 65%
Reinforce knowledge using Know it all Ninja

My blog

Today I learned more about pseudocode and how to spot and debug errors in it.

I did a very good job of analysing it and spotting some errors.

However I did struggle when it came to explaining things in a practice test. I feel that this may have been down to my knowledge lapsing.

I will do more frequent revision in the future in order to try and prevent my knowledge from lapsing.

I have no new deadlines but I must hand in my assignments by 01/11/2019 for the Unit 15 one and 06/11/2019 for the Unit 7 one.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Both sessions 10/10/2019

Session 10 - Aims & Objectives - 10/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Test knowledge learned thus far in learning aims A/B/C
Introduce the concept of Data Structures
Identify the differences / similarities between Arrays and Lists
Practice programming

Learning Objectives
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C, scoring > 50%
Complete Quizziz on learning aims A/B/C, scoring > 75%
Investigate Arrays and Linked Lists
Explain the advantages / disadvantages of arrays and linked lists
Practice programming skills
Work on revision material for U1

My blog
Today I have learned about dyslexia and I have also done some programming in python. I have also caught up on some programming topics on Know It All Ninja.

I did a good job on enthusiastically catching up on programming topics on Know It All Ninja whilst making an effort to achieve a high score and also in writing and debugging Python code.

However I did discover some gaps in my knowledge during an unannounced quiz which was carried out using a platform called Quizziz which did make me look a bit lacking in knowledge!

On reflection I will make sure to spend more time refreshing my knowledge of the unit I am studying.

I have no new deadlines but I do need to do the Unit 15 assignment by 01/11/2019 and the Unit 7 assignment by 06/11/2019.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Both sessions - 09/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 09/10/19

U15 Website Development

Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Create an asset table for your website
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required

U07 Security & Encryption

Aim: To be able to recognize risky behavior when it comes to processing and using data

Discover how risky your behavior is by completing the Cisco assessment
Research task to discover who owns your online data
Complete the sheet that allows you to understand and create a strong password
Register on PacketTracer and complete the tasks on the sheet

My Blog

Today I learned more about creating a prototype of my website using Axure RP. I also learned how risky my online behaviour is and about how owns my online data.

I did a good job going through the sheet and did make quite some effort at doing it in detail, I also did a good job on the prototype of my website which I have already started.

I did however lag behind other students when it went to speed and efficiency in the worksheet. 

However I cannot find any weaknesses on my part when it went to creating the prototype of my website and the associated assignment which relates to assignment 2 of Unit 15 which is about websites.

On reflection I think I should have asked for assistance from my course tutor during the afternoon lesson at an earlier stage as I was confused by the tasks on the sheet and therefore did not manage to get through them. I also think I could have dealt with the worksheet quicker and more efficiently so will endeavour to make improvements in that area in the future.

There are no new deadlines but I still need to make sure all assignments are handed in on or before the existing deadlines.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Afternoon session - 08/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 08/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Explain the purpose and audience for your website
Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Create an asset table for your website
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required

My blog

Today I learned more about creating a prototype of my website using Axure RP. I also made an unsuccessful attempt at creating an origami fish using a piece of A4 paper.

I did a good job using Axure RP to continue creating my website. I even created pages which I did not plan in advance.

However I accept that I did get confused on how to create a photo gallery. Therefore I skipped that task. I will have to get round to doing it.

I should have asked for assistance on creating the photo gallery as this is not something that I am familiar with.

I have no new deadlines but I must submit my current assignments in time for the existing assignment deadlines. I must also make sure to keep up the good work and comply with my SMART targets.

Morning session 08/10/2019

Session 09 - Aims & Objectives - 08/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Practice utilising Input Validation
Investigate Control Structures
Examine how functions work in Python, and general programming
Practice Programming

Learning Objectives:
Create simple input validation for 3 input fields
Create simple input validation for 3-5 input fields
Create simple input validation for 5 or more input fields
Conduct research and explain the premise of control structures
Identify the importance of control structures
Examine the use of functions

My blog

Today I learned about how functions work in Python, pseudocode and general programming.

I did a good job researching this subject and I managed to include some material into my notes using this research. I made sure to reference my source material and tried my best to put it into my own words.

However I feel that I could have included more material in my notes and that they could have been more detailed.

In the future I will attempt to incorporate more material into my notes which will be helpful when it comes to revising for exams. I will make sure that my notes are more detailed and of a better quality than previously. I will do this by moving onto the next subject more quickly should I become stuck, I can always ask for help if I feel that I need it.

Whilst no deadline was set, I must still meet my current deadlines.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

My full day - 03/10/2019

Session 08 - Aims & Objectives - 03/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Identify faults in Pseudocode and justify fixes.
Explore the area of Validation.
Check knowledge on programming variables
Complete a Mock exam, peer mark afterwards
Learn about the importance of personal hygiene

Learning Objectives
Identify faults in pseudocode
Propose fixes to faults, justifying reasoning.
Identify how and why to use validation
Investigate how to use validation in Python
Score at least 50% in a mock exam
Score at least 65% in a mock exam
Score over 75% in a mock exam

My blog

Today I learned about Pseudocode and also personal hygiene during my tutorial hour in the afternoon.

I did a good job figuring out Pseudocode and asking for help as and when required i.e. when I got stuck on the odd occasion and had no other way of figuring out the solution to the problem.

However I did encountering the odd bit of difficulty during my mock exam which appears to be as a result of me lacking sufficient knowledge in the area of writing and understanding Pseudocode.

I feel that I could have done a better job revising this in advance of the mock exam, even though I did not know about it in advance. I will make sure to do that in the future in the hope of avoiding a similar situation.

I have set myself a number of SMART targets to be completed by 10/10/2019 but have not been set any further assignments today.

My SMART targets are the following:

I need to avoid allowing other students pressure me into behaving in an inappropriate manner e.g. mentioning inappropriate things or swearing. I also need to avoid letting them distract me from the task in hand and ensure that I am concentrating on my work 100% of the time during lessons. I will also ensure that I follow the advice previously given to me by Andy Smith.

To try and do as much coursework as is possible outside class hours. I need to ensure that I will do the right thing even when no one is looking.

To try and improve my teamworking technique when working with other classmates. This applies to Nathan in particular as he is the person I usually work with.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Afternoon session - 02/10/2019

Lesson Objectives: To understand how different forms of viruses are spread and to be able to recommend suitable AV products to businesses

AO1 - Describe the different forms of Malware and how they operate
AO2 - Identify the Best products for keeping a business safe from viruses and data loss
AO3 - Identify the threats that exist today and surround the cyber security world

My blog

Today I learned more about computer and network security, specifically on how to protect a business network and its computers from being infected by malware and other threats.

I did demonstrate a good learning ability and also my prior knowledge on the subject.

However I do feel that I did attempt to provide an excessive amount of detail and only focused on a limited amount of information sources.

In the future I will make sure that I try my best to get the task done in full, even if that means omitting some level of detail from it.

I have an assignment set which is due in on 06/11/2019.

Morning session - 02/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 02/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Develop alternative ideas for your website
Create a site map to show how your web pages are related
Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Explain search engine optimisation techniques used
Create an asset plan for your website
Create a test plan for your website

My blog

Today I have achieved some progress on my existing website drafts and created a new alternative page design.

My strengths in doing this were my ability to translate my progress on paper to electronic versions of three of my web page designs.

My weaknesses in doing this was my occasional hesitation in doing this and the occasional moment of getting stuck on trying to design my website. This was problematic as this did hamper my progress. 

It may have been prudent to ask for help from my tutor, however I could not have asked for help from a learning support assistant as there was no learning support assistant present in the classroom today.

I have not got a new deadline, but I do still need to make sure that my assignment for this unit is handed in on time. The deadline for that is 01/11/2019.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Afternoon session - 01/10/2019

Aims and Outcomes 01/10/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

Explain the client requirements and intended audience
Develop alternative ideas for your website
Create a site map to show how your web pages are related
Create a prototype of your web pages using Axure RP
Explain search engine operation techniques used
Create a test plan for your website
Explain the legal and ethical considerations required

My blog

Today I have learned how to use Axure RP to create a prototype of the homepage of my website.

It was an interesting process and I did manage to figure out how to use the software to create a rough draft of my home page. I was good at laying things out and designing the page.

However my design was basic and I feel that I could have progressed to a more advanced level. Whilst I feel that this was due to no fault of my own, I should have been more willing to request assistance from my tutor or the learning support assistant.

In the future I will make sure to ask for help when needed. I will also make sure to keep up the good work and put in 100% effort.

Whilst no new deadlines were set, the one for assignment 2 (A2) still stands. I will make sure to meet that deadline.

Morning session 01/10/2019

Session 07 - Aims & Objectives - 01/10/19

Lesson Aims:
Examine translating python to pseudocode / Flowcharts
Investigate Data Structures and Functions in Python
Check knowledge learned using Quizzes and Knowitallninja
Research and explain the use of Arithmetic, string handling, and general functions in Computer Science

Learning Objectives:
Identify how to create pseudocode / flowcharts from Python code
Create pseudocode and flowcharts from simple Python code
Create pseudocode and flowcharts from Python code
Identify and explain the use of Data structures in Python
Research Arithmetic Functions
Explain the use of Arithmetic Functions
Research String handling Functions
Explain the use of String handling Functions
Research general purpose Functions
Explain the use of general purpose Functions

My blog

Today I learned more about how to write in pseudocode and how to translate a program (written in Python) into pseudocode. I also learned more about how to write in Python.

I was good at writing up my pseudocode and did a good job writing some Python programs.

However I did make the mistake of using functions in Python when my tutor wanted us to code a program which could do the job without relying on them.

I should have clarified this point with him and made sure to write my program as he requested instead of jumping in and making the assumption that it would be OK. I will make sure to learn from my mistake in the future.

To finish my pseudocode conversions by 08/10/2019

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Both sessions - 26/09/2019

Session 06 - Aims & Objectives - 26/09/19

Lesson Aims:
Investigate and write about Human Rights
Identify and research Naming Conventions
Examine Arithmetic Operations
Practice programming in Python

Learning Objectives:
Write A creative piece on Human Rights
Check old, and make new SMART targets
Explain the definition of a Naming Convention
Explain the differences between Naming Conventions
Identify the advantages and reasons for using a Naming Convention
Investigate the use of Arithmetic Operations in the context of Computer Science
Develop coding skills

My blog

Today I learned about human rights, naming conventions, arithmetic operations and my current progress on this course. I am going to focus on my current progress on this course.

I have seen that I did manage to partially achieve all of my SMART targets. This is good as I have definitely made some progress on this course and have put some effort into it.

However I accept that I did not put 100% effort in so did not fully achieve them. This was not good as this means that I run the risk of falling behind.

I cannot afford to get complacent about my current progress and will strive to continue to keep up the good work and put 100% effort in at all times.

I have set most of my SMART targets to be done in one weeks time, specifically for 03/10/2019. There is also one which is long term and is due for 01/11/2019. I also need to complete my assignments which I have already mentioned.

My SMART targets are: To improve my understanding of existing topics on Know It All Ninja. I will try my best to avoid coasting and will keep going over the content on that site as and when required.
To follow Zoe's advice when carrying out assignments and ensure that her feedback is thoroughly incorporated into my work. I will make sure to use my time wisely and try the best I can when doing her assignments. To ensure that I continue to follow the above advice when it comes to my second assignment. I will also ensure that I continue to improve my web design skills. I will also continue to identify strengths and weaknesses in that area as my progress on the course continues. I will continue to follow the advice set in my previous targets. To ensure that my behaviour and demeanour in class is appropriate and professional. I will ensure that I don't interrupt the teacher and will ask him or an LSA (in the correct manner) if I am in any doubt as to whether a specific action is prohibited or not. However I also need to ensure that I do not go to the other extreme and avoid engaging with anyone in class whatsoever. This could also hamper my classwork and is not something I want. I need to ensure that I find a balance and in doing so that this balance is as good as possible. To try and do as much coursework as is possible outside class hours. I need to ensure that I don't only do the right thing when someone is looking but that I will do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Afternoon session - 25/09/2019

This afternoon I learned in some detail about social engineering, amongst other threats to IT infrastructure and networking at the organisational level.

A strength which I demonstrated was my ability to recall prior knowledge and recall it within the context of a group discussion.

A weakness which I demonstrated was my occasional difficulties in understanding the task. I also encountered an occasional inability to recognise when I require assistance and request it when required.

I will make sure to keep up the good work when it comes to researching things and contributing relevant information to group discussions. This is definitely a good thing. However I will make sure to continue to address my difficulties in understanding the task and in recognising when I require assistance. I will also make sure to request it when required.

No assignment was set by my tutor so I have no deadlines to meet in relation to this session.

Morning session - 25/09/2019

Aims and Outcomes 25/09/19
Aim: To design a website to meet client requirements

State the importance of designing a website
Explain the purpose of the website
Explain the client requirements and intended audience
Develop alternative ideas for your website
Create a site map to show how your web pages are related
List the house style for your website
Include design principles in your ideas and house style
Learn to use Axure RP

My blog:

Today I learned how to plan and design a website, this was done through both extensive drafting and mindmapping.

My strengths which I demonstrated today were that I demonstrated a good technical competence and understanding of the key areas involved in the topic and task.

My weaknesses which I encountered today were that I have been a bit over enthusiastic when drawing mind maps and would often do them in a manner which was scruffy and disorganised. This meant that whilst I could read and understand them, someone else might have difficulties doing so. I need to further improve my skills, ability and compentence in that area. I will do so by requesting assistance and if I have time I will consider doing a "rough draft" of a mindmap before creating it. I will also consider the implentation of IT in the future, with the intention of eliminating or reducing the impact of this issue.

On reflection, I feel that I tried very hard today and have done a good job both demonstrating my competence and in identifying my weaknesses. I will make sure to address them in the way I have planned with the view to eliminating them in the future. I will also make sure to keep up the good work and avoid any coasting which may cause a decrease in standards.

I have been assigned another task to do by my tutor, this is due in on the 1st November 2019. I will make sure to try my hardest to get it done and submitted to my tutor in the correct fashion on or before that date.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Both of my sessions - 19/09/2019

Aims and Objectives

Session 04 - Aims & Objectives - 19/09/19

Lesson Aim:
Check knowledge of Learning aim A
Investigate various aspects of the Python programming language

Learning Objectives:
Complete the practice test
Complete the practice test scoring at least 50%
Complete the practice test scoring at least 65%
Identify how variables are used in Python
Examine how Loops are used in Python
Identify how Inputs and outputs are used in Python
Investigate the use of conditional statements in Python

My blog

Today I learned more about how to write Pseudocode, in addition to learning about how to program in Python. I also learned about the Taliban and Al Qaeda within the context of global terrorism.

I did some very good work on a presentation about the Taliban and also tried my best to try and figure out how to write programs in Python. I also tried my best when it went to writing in Pseudocode.

However I was not that proficient when writing Python and Pseudocode. This is something which I feel I can improve on.

I set myself targets which are due before next Thursday. Additionally I was asked to study a module on a website called "Know It All Ninja" by next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Second session - 18/09/2019

"Aims & Objectives

A1 Threat types*
• Internal threats
The three greatest insider threats to your organisation, and how to beat them in the resources column.
• External threats.
research recent examples of cyber-attacks from a variety of external resources and present findings
• Physical threats.
What physical threats apply to learners’ own personal uses of IT?
• Social engineering and software-driven threats
Learners research recent examples of malware including virus attacks, ransomware etc

Identify threats from Social Engineering
Describe threats from software
Identify the difference between Virus, worms, trojans et al etc.
Explain what processes might be in place to minimise the risk to a business from this type of attack.
Explain the difference between active and passive threats
Identify who owns their data
Identify how their online behaviour may be risky
Describe the various legal requirements for data security
Capture and identify packets"

I have learned about various types of virus, their vectors and when they spread amongst other things about them. 

My strength was the quantity and quality of information which I discovered during my research online as well as my ability to word, quote and source it into a presentation. 

My weakness was my hesitation and reliance on my teammate when creating and delivering the presentation. I feel that my self-confidence and assertiveness could use some improvement. This is an area for improvement which I will try and work on in the future.

I have done a good job today and will hopefully do even better next time I find myself in a similar situation. 

I have not been assigned any tasks which will need to be done in the future. This is good as it reflects on my ability to get what I need to get done done on time and in my lesson time. I also have to complete and hand in an assignment to my tutor, Zoe by Tuesday next week.

First session - 18/09/2019

"Aims and Outcomes 18/09/19
Aims: To explain the factors affecting website performance
To understand the purpose and principles of websites

Explain client-side and server-side factors affecting website performance
Compare the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Explain/analyse/evaluate the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose"

I have managed to get through adding some good quality writing to my existing essay. I showed an understanding of the key concepts required which was good. However I did sometimes get stuck and get distracted from the task due to feeling rather anxious which is an area for improvement.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

My first day (Afternoon session) - 17/09/2019

Aims and Outcomes 17/09/19
Aims: To understand the principles of website design

Explain some of the principles of website design
Compare the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Analyse/Evaluate the principles of website design used in two websites, including their suitability for the intended audience and purpose
Discuss the overall impact of the site on the organisati (sic)

My blog

Today I learned about the principles of website design by comparing two websites, specifically the Morrisons and Waitrose websites.

One of my strengths during this lesson was my ability to memorise and explain technical terms, whilst researching terms that I did not already know and incorporating them into my work in my own words, whilst providing source URLs for this information.

One of my weaknesses was that I had some issues understanding the task set, so had to request assistance from staff members on a few occasions. They were helpful and I was able to understand their instructions and get on with the task.

On reflection I believe that I tried the best I could during the lesson and performed well on the task. However I will need to develop my ability to understand the task set with the aim of eventually being able to get on with it independently and without the assistance of a member of staff.

I have to complete and hand in an assignment to my tutor, Zoe by Tuesday next week. Hopefully I will be able to do that, this is important as my grades will depend on the result of this assignment and all other assignments throughout the course.

My first day (Morning session) - 17/09/2019

Today I attended Develop EBP for my first day on the course, I first met Andy Smith who is the centre manager for the centre. I am currently attending a Level 3 Computing course at the Develop EBP Norwich Centre.

I completed an intro survey. This survey covered numerous topical areas and I was asked to complete it for the purpose of ascertaining my strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately I had a very limited knowledge of the answers to the survey so for a lot of the time I actually had to randomly guess at the correct answers. I'm unsure of my results but I do hope they are good.